Definition of imputation

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Imputation () The act of imputing or charging; attribution; ascription; also, anything imputed or charged..

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Denial :: Denial (n.) A refusal to admit the truth of a statement, charge, imputation, etc.; assertion of the untruth of a thing stated or maintained; a contradiction..
Unhandsome :: Unhandsome (a.) Wanting noble or amiable qualities; dishonorable; illiberal; low; disingenuous; mean; indecorous; as, unhandsome conduct, treatment, or imputations..
Imputation :: Imputation () Opinion; intimation; hint.
Excuse :: Excuse (v. t.) To relieve of an imputation by apology or defense; to make apology for as not seriously evil; to ask pardon or indulgence for.
Clear :: Clear (v. t.) To free from the imputation of guilt; to justify, vindicate, or acquit; -- often used with from before the thing imputed..
Imputation :: Imputation () The act of imputing or charging; attribution; ascription; also, anything imputed or charged..
Imputation :: Imputation () A setting of something to the account of; the attribution of personal guilt or personal righteousness of another; as, the imputation of the sin of Adam, or the righteousness of Christ..
Exonerate :: Exonerate (v. t.) To relieve, in a moral sense, as of a charge, obligation, or load of blame resting on one; to clear of something that lies upon oppresses one, as an accusation or imputation; as, to exonerate one's self from blame, or from the charge of avarice..
Disculpate :: Disculpate (v. t.) To free from blame or the imputation of a fault; to exculpate.
Excuse :: Excuse (v. t.) To free from accusation, or the imputation of fault or blame; to clear from guilt; to release from a charge; to justify by extenuating a fault; to exculpate; to absolve; to acquit..
Exoneration :: Exoneration (n.) The act of disburdening, discharging, or freeing morally from a charge or imputation; also, the state of being disburdened or freed from a charge..
Imputably :: Imputably (adv.) By imputation.
Blame :: Blame (v.) An expression of disapprobation fir something deemed to be wrong; imputation of fault; censure.
Imputation :: Imputation () Charge or attribution of evil; censure; reproach; insinuation.
Imputative :: Imputative (a.) Transferred by imputation; that may be imputed.
Whitewash :: Whitewash (v. t.) To make white; to give a fair external appearance to; to clear from imputations or disgrace; hence, to clear (a bankrupt) from obligation to pay debts..
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