Definition of impregnation

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Impregnation (n.) The act of impregnating or the state of being impregnated; fecundation.

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Adosculation :: Adosculation (n.) Impregnation by external contact, without intromission..
Impregnation :: Impregnation (n.) That with which anything is impregnated.
Polyspermy :: Polyspermy (n.) Fullness of sperm, or seed; the passage of more than one spermatozoon into the vitellus in the impregnation of the ovum..
Superincumbence :: Superinpregnation (n.) The act of impregnating, or the state of being impregnated, in addition to a prior impregnation; superfetation..
Saturation :: Saturation (n.) The act of saturating, or the state of being saturating; complete penetration or impregnation..
Impregnate :: Impregnate (v. t.) To come into contact with (an ovum or egg) so as to cause impregnation; to fertilize; to fecundate.
Impregnation :: Impregnation (n.) The act of impregnating or the state of being impregnated; fecundation.
Fertilization :: Fertilization (n.) The act of fecundating or impregnating animal or vegetable germs; esp., the process by which in flowers the pollen renders the ovule fertile, or an analogous process in flowerless plants; fecundation; impregnation..
Autofecundation :: Autofecundation (n.) Self-impregnation.
Intercross :: Intercross (v. t. & i.) To fertilize by the impregnation of one species or variety by another; to impregnate by a different species or variety.
Superfete :: Superfetation (n.) The formation of a fetus at the result of an impregnation occurring after another impregnation but before the birth of the offspring produced by it. This is possible only when there is a double uterus, or where menstruation persists up to the time of the second impregnation..
Impregnation :: Impregnation (n.) The fusion of a female germ cell (ovum) with a male germ cell (in animals, a spermatozoon) to form a single new cell endowed with the power of developing into a new individual; fertilization; fecundation..
Impregnation :: Impregnation (n.) Intimate mixture; influsion; saturation.
Anther :: Anther (n.) That part of the stamen containing the pollen, or fertilizing dust, which, when mature, is emitted for the impregnation of the ovary..
Padding :: Padding (n.) The uniform impregnation of cloth with a mordant.
Female :: Female (n.) A plant which produces only that kind of reproductive organs which are capable of developing into fruit after impregnation or fertilization; a pistillate plant.
Fecundation :: Fecundation (n.) The act by which, either in animals or plants, material prepared by the generative organs the female organism is brought in contact with matter from the organs of the male, so that a new organism results; impregnation; fertilization..
Oosperm :: Oosperm (n.) The ovum, after fusion with the spermatozoon in impregnation..
Stocky :: Stockwork (n.) A metalliferous deposit characterized by the impregnation of the mass of rock with many small veins or nests irregularly grouped. This kind of deposit is especially common with tin ore. Such deposits are worked in floors or stories.
Impregnation :: Impregnation (n.) An ore deposit, with indefinite boundaries, consisting of rock impregnated with ore..
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