Definition of implication

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Implication (n.) The act of implicating, or the state of being implicated..

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Comprehend :: Comprehend (v. t.) To take in or include by construction or implication; to comprise; to imply.
Bye :: Bye (n.) A thing not directly aimed at; something which is a secondary object of regard; an object by the way, etc.; as in on or upon the bye, i. e., in passing; indirectly; by implication..
Coy :: Coy (a.) Shrinking from approach or familiarity; reserved; bashful; shy; modest; -- usually applied to women, sometimes with an implication of coquetry..
Implicatively :: Implicatively (adv.) By implication.
Rascally :: Rascally (a.) Like a rascal; trickish or dishonest; base; worthless; -- often in humorous disparagement, without implication of dishonesty..
Impliedly :: Impliedly (adv.) By implication or inference.
Implicitly :: Implicitly (adv.) By implication; impliedly; as, to deny the providence of God is implicitly to deny his existence..
Implication :: Implication (n.) An implying, or that which is implied, but not expressed; an inference, or something which may fairly be understood, though not expressed in words..
Preclude :: Preclude (v.) To shut out by anticipative action; to prevent or hinder by necessary consequence or implication; to deter action of, access to, employment of, etc.; to render ineffectual; to obviate by anticipation..
Infection :: Infection (n.) Contamination by illegality, as in cases of contraband goods; implication..
Presupposition :: Presupposition (n.) The act of presupposing; an antecedent implication; presumption.
Explicitly :: Explicitly (adv.) In an explicit manner; clearly; plainly; without disguise or reservation of meaning; not by inference or implication; as, he explicitly avows his intention..
Implication :: Implication (n.) The act of implicating, or the state of being implicated..
Allusively :: Allusively (adv.) Figuratively [Obs.]; by way of allusion; by implication, suggestion, or insinuation..
Connote :: Connote (v. t.) To mark along with; to suggest or indicate as additional; to designate by implication; to include in the meaning; to imply.
Explicit :: Explicit (a.) Not implied merely, or conveyed by implication; distinctly stated; plain in language; open to the understanding; clear; not obscure or ambiguous; express; unequivocal; as, an explicit declaration..
Connotation :: Connotation (n.) The act of connoting; a making known or designating something additional; implication of something more than is asserted.
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