Definition of implant

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Implant (v. t.) To plant, or infix, for the purpose of growth; to fix deeply; to instill; to inculate; to introduce; as, to implant the seeds of virtue, or the principles of knowledge, in the minds of youth..

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Sylvanium :: Sylvanite (n.) A mineral, a telluride of gold and silver, of a steel-gray, silver-white, or brass-yellow color. It often occurs in implanted crystals resembling written characters, and hence is called graphic tellurium..
Reimplant :: Reimplant (v. t.) To implant again.
Entheic :: Entheic (a.) Caused by a morbifie virus implanted in the system; as, an enthetic disease like syphilis..
Voltzite :: Voltzite (n.) An oxysulphide of lead occurring in implanted spherical globules of a yellowish or brownish color; -- called also voltzine.
Enrace :: Enrace (v. t.) To enroot; to implant.
Web :: Web (n.) The series of barbs implanted on each side of the shaft of a feather, whether stiff and united together by barbules, as in ordinary feathers, or soft and separate, as in downy feathers. See Feather..
Implanting :: Implanting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Implan.
Enroot :: Enroot (v. t.) To fix by the root; to fix fast; to implant deep.
Implantation :: Implantation (n.) The act or process of implantating.
Infix :: Infix (v. t.) To implant or fix; to instill; to inculcate, as principles, thoughts, or instructions; as, to infix good principles in the mind, or ideas in the memory..
Thecodontia :: Thecodontia (n. pl.) A group of fossil saurians having biconcave vertebrae and the teeth implanted in sockets.
Implanted :: Implanted (imp. & p. p.) of Implan.
Fix :: Fix (v. t.) To make firm, stable, or fast; to set or place permanently; to fasten immovably; to establish; to implant; to secure; to make definite..
Implant :: Implant (v. t.) To plant, or infix, for the purpose of growth; to fix deeply; to instill; to inculate; to introduce; as, to implant the seeds of virtue, or the principles of knowledge, in the minds of youth..
Inborn :: Inborn (a.) Born in or with; implanted by nature; innate; as, inborn passions..
Rooted :: Rooted (a.) Having taken root; firmly implanted; fixed in the heart.
Inracinate :: Inracinate (v. t.) To enroot or implant.
Lodge :: Lodge (n.) To cause to stop or rest in; to implant.
Regenerate :: Regenerate (v. t.) To cause to be spiritually born anew; to cause to become a Christian; to convert from sin to holiness; to implant holy affections in the heart of.
Graft :: Graft (n.) To implant a portion of (living flesh or akin) in a lesion so as to form an organic union.
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