Definition of implacable

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Implacable (a.) Incapable of ebign relieved or assuaged; inextinguishable.

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Unplacable :: Unplacable (a.) Implacable.
Implacable :: Implacable (a.) Incapable of ebign relieved or assuaged; inextinguishable.
Inexpiable :: Inexpiable (a.) Incapable of being mollified or appeased; relentless; implacable.
Incensement :: Incensement (n.) Fury; rage; heat; exasperation; as, implacable incensement..
Implacableness :: Implacableness (n.) The quality of being implacable; implacability.
Deadly :: Deadly (adv.) In an implacable manner; destructively.
Irreconcilable :: Irreconcilable (a.) Not reconcilable; implacable; incompatible; inconsistent; disagreeing; as, irreconcilable enemies, statements..
Bitterness :: Bitterness (n.) The quality or state of being bitter, sharp, or acrid, in either a literal or figurative sense; implacableness; resentfulness; severity; keenness of reproach or sarcasm; deep distress, grief, or vexation of mind..
Implacability :: Implacability (n.) The quality or state of being implacable.
Implacable :: Implacable (a.) Not placable; not to be appeased; incapable of being pacified; inexorable; as, an implacable prince..
Implacably :: Implacably (adv.) In an implacable manner.
Fiend :: Fiend (n.) An implacable or malicious foe; one who is diabolically wicked or cruel; an infernal being; -- applied specifically to the devil or a demon.
Deadly :: Deadly (a.) Aiming or willing to destroy; implacable; desperately hostile; flagitious; as, deadly enemies..
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