Definition of impatient

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Impatient (a.) Not to be borne; unendurable.

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Restive :: Restive (a.) Impatient under coercion, chastisement, or opposition; refractory..
Quick :: Quick (superl.) Impatient; passionate; hasty; eager; eager; sharp; unceremonious; as, a quick temper..
Hastily :: Hastily (adv.) Passionately; impatiently.
Sharp :: Sharp (superl.) Eager in pursuit; keen in quest; impatient for gratification; keen; as, a sharp appetite..
Champ :: Champ (v. i.) To bite or chew impatiently.
Impatient :: Impatient (a.) Not patient; not bearing with composure; intolerant; uneasy; fretful; restless, because of pain, delay, or opposition; eager for change, or for something expected; hasty; passionate; -- often followed by at, for, of, and under..
Unpatient :: Unpatient (a.) Impatient.
Intolerant :: Intolerant (a.) Not tolerating difference of opinion or sentiment, especially in religious matters; refusing to allow others the enjoyment of their opinions, rights, or worship; unjustly impatient of the opinion of those disagree with us; not tolerant; unforbearing; bigoted..
Weary :: Weary (v. i.) To grow tired; to become exhausted or impatient; as, to weary of an undertaking..
Impatience :: Impatience (n.) The quality of being impatient; want of endurance of pain, suffering, opposition, or delay; eagerness for change, or for something expected; restlessness; chafing of spirit; fretfulness; passion; as, the impatience of a child or an invalid..
Impatiently :: Impatiently (adv.) In an impatient manner.
Wince :: Wince (v. i.) To kick or flounce when unsteady, or impatient at a rider; as, a horse winces..
Impatient :: Impatient (a.) Not to be borne; unendurable.
Overeager :: Overeager (a.) Too eager; too impatient.
Disquiet :: Disquiet (a.) Deprived of quiet; impatient; restless; uneasy.
Impatient :: Impatient (n.) One who is impatient.
Impatient :: Impatient (a.) Prompted by, or exhibiting, impatience; as, impatient speeches or replies..
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