Definition of identified

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Identified (imp. & p. p.) of Identif.

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Bdellium :: Bdellium (n.) An unidentified substance mentioned in the Bible (Gen. ii. 12, and Num. xi. 7), variously taken to be a gum, a precious stone, or pearls, or perhaps a kind of amber found in Arabia..
Pallas :: Pallas (n.) Pallas Athene, the Grecian goddess of wisdom, called also Athene, and identified, at a later period, with the Roman Minerva..
Identifiable :: Identifiable (a.) Capable of being identified.
Typhon :: Typhon (n.) According to Hesiod, the son of Typhoeus, and father of the winds, but later identified with him..
Wasium :: Wasium (n.) A rare element supposed by Bahr to have been extracted from wasite, but now identified with thorium..
Identification :: Identification (n.) The act of identifying, or proving to be the same; also, the state of being identified..
Aforesaid :: Aforesaid (a.) Said before, or in a preceding part; already described or identified..
Centaury :: Centaury (n.) A gentianaceous plant not fully identified. The name is usually given to the Erytheraea Centaurium and the Chlora perfoliata of Europe, but is also extended to the whole genus Sabbatia, and even to the unrelated Centaurea..
Echinus :: Echinus (n.) A name sometimes given to the egg and anchor or egg and dart molding, because that ornament is often identified with Roman Doric capital. The name probably alludes to the shape of the shell of the sea urchin..
Minerva :: Minerva (n.) The goddess of wisdom, of war, of the arts and sciences, of poetry, and of spinning and weaving; -- identified with the Grecian Pallas Athene..
Hyperion :: Hyperion (n.) The god of the sun; in the later mythology identified with Apollo, and distinguished for his beauty..
Fleur-de-lis :: Fleur-de-lis (n.) A conventional flower suggested by the iris, and having a form which fits it for the terminal decoration of a scepter, the ornaments of a crown, etc. It is also a heraldic bearing, and is identified with the royal arms and adornments of France..
Morgue :: Morgue (n.) A place where the bodies of persons found dead are exposed, that they may be identified, or claimed by their friends; a deadhouse..
Jussi :: "Jussi (n.) A delicate fiber, produced in the Philippine Islands from an unidentified plant, of which dresses, etc., are made..
Zeus :: Zeus (n.) The chief deity of the Greeks, and ruler of the upper world (cf. Hades). He was identified with Jupiter..
Exhibit :: Exhibit (n.) A document produced and identified in court for future use as evidence.
Check :: Check (n.) A mark, certificate, or token, by which, errors may be prevented, or a thing or person may be identified; as, checks placed against items in an account; a check given for baggage; a return check on a railroad..
Frankincense :: Frankincense (n.) A fragrant, aromatic resin, or gum resin, burned as an incense in religious rites or for medicinal fumigation. The best kinds now come from East Indian trees, of the genus Boswellia; a commoner sort, from the Norway spruce (Abies excelsa) and other coniferous trees. The frankincense of the ancient Jews is still unidentified..
Identified :: Identified (imp. & p. p.) of Identif.
Hordock :: Hordock (n.) An unidentified plant mentioned by Shakespeare, perhaps equivalent to burdock..
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