Definition of iambic

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Iambic (n.) A satirical poem (such poems having been anciently written in iambic verse); a satire; a lampoon.

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Choliambic :: Choliambic (n.) A verse having an iambus in the fifth place, and a spondee in the sixth or last..
Iambic :: Iambic (n.) An iambic foot; an iambus.
Choriambic :: Choriambic (a.) Pertaining to a choriamb.
Iambize :: Iambize (v. t.) To satirize in iambics; to lampoon.
Iambically :: Iambically (adv.) In a iambic manner; after the manner of iambics.
Gallyambic :: Gallyambic (a.) Consisting of two iambic dimeters catalectic, the last of which lacks the final syllable; -- said of a kind of verse..
Iambic :: Iambic (a.) Pertaining to, or composed of, iambics; as, an iambic verse; iambic meter. See Lambus..
Choriambic :: Choriambic (n.) A choriamb.
Syzygy :: Syzygy (n.) The coupling together of different feet; as, in Greek verse, an iambic syzygy..
Alcaic :: Alcaic (n.) A kind of verse, so called from Alcaeus. One variety consists of five feet, a spondee or iambic, an iambic, a long syllable, and two dactyls..
Iambic :: Iambic (n.) A verse composed of iambic feet.
Tetrameter :: Tetrameter (n.) A verse or line consisting of four measures, that is, in iambic, trochaic, and anapestic verse, of eight feet; in other kinds of verse, of four feet..
Measure :: Measure (a.) The manner of ordering and combining the quantities, or long and short syllables; meter; rhythm; hence, a foot; as, a poem in iambic measure..
Asclepiad :: Asclepiad (n.) A choriambic verse, first used by the Greek poet Asclepias, consisting of four feet, viz., a spondee, two choriambi, and an iambus..
Iambic :: Iambic (n.) A satirical poem (such poems having been anciently written in iambic verse); a satire; a lampoon.
Iambical :: Iambical (a.) Iambic.
Iamb :: Iamb (n.) An iambus or iambic.
Iambic :: Iambic (a.) Consisting of a short syllable followed by a long one, or of an unaccented syllable followed by an accented; as, an iambic foot..
Iambus :: Iambus (n.) A foot consisting of a short syllable followed by a long one, as in /mans, or of an unaccented syllable followed by an accented one, as invent; an iambic. See the Couplet under Iambic, n..
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