Definition of humorously

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Humorously (adv.) Capriciously; whimsically.

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Humorsomely :: Humorsomely (adv.) Pleasantly; humorously.
Tripe :: Tripe (n.) The entrails; hence, humorously or in contempt, the belly; -- generally used in the plural..
Yankee-doodle :: Yankee-Doodle (n.) Humorously, a Yankee..
Prune :: Prune (v. i.) To dress; to prink; -used humorously or in contempt.
Sprig :: Sprig (n.) A youth; a lad; -- used humorously or in slight disparagement.
Sesquipedalian :: Sesquipedalian (a.) Measuring or containing a foot and a half; as, a sesquipedalian pygmy; -- sometimes humorously applied to long words..
It :: It (pron.) As an indefinite object after some intransitive verbs, or after a substantive used humorously as a verb; as, to foot it (i. e., to walk)..
Versemonger :: Versemonger (n.) A writer of verses; especially, a writer of commonplace poetry; a poetaster; a rhymer; -- used humorously or in contempt..
Trotter :: Trotter (n.) The foot of an animal, especially that of a sheep; also, humorously, the human foot..
Maw :: Maw (n.) A stomach; the receptacle into which food is taken by swallowing; in birds, the craw; -- now used only of the lower animals, exept humorously or in contempt..
Squirehood :: Squireen (n.) One who is half squire and half farmer; -- used humorously.
Nous :: Nous (n.) Intellect; understanding; talent; -- used humorously.
Dog :: Dog (n.) A fellow; -- used humorously or contemptuously; as, a sly dog; a lazy dog..
Spindle-shaped :: Spindleshanks (n.) A person with slender shanks, or legs; -- used humorously or in contempt..
Humorously :: Humorously (adv.) Capriciously; whimsically.
Zambo :: Zambo (n.) The child of a mulatto and a negro; also, the child of an Indian and a negro; colloquially or humorously, a negro; a sambo..
Humorously :: Humorously (adv.) Facetiously; wittily.
Bugger :: Bugger (n.) A wretch; -- sometimes used humorously or in playful disparagement.
Tun :: Tun (n.) A drunkard; -- so called humorously, or in contempt..
Boom :: Boom (n.) A strong and extensive advance, with more or less noisy excitement; -- applied colloquially or humorously to market prices, the demand for stocks or commodities and to political chances of aspirants to office; as, a boom in the stock market; a boom in coffee..
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