Definition of hopped

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Hopped (imp. & p. p.) of Ho.

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Mince-meat :: Mince-meat (n.) Minced meat; meat chopped very fine; a mixture of boiled meat, suet, apples, etc., chopped very fine, to which spices and raisins are added; -- used in making mince pie..
Salad :: Salad (n.) A dish composed of chopped meat or fish, esp. chicken or lobster, mixed with lettuce or other vegetables, and seasoned with oil, vinegar, mustard, and other condiments; as, chicken salad; lobster salad..
Forcemeat :: Forcemeat (n.) Meat chopped fine and highly seasoned, either served up alone, or used as a stuffing..
Chopped :: Chopped (imp. & p. p.) of Cho.
Chop :: Chop (n.) A piece chopped off; a slice or small piece, especially of meat; as, a mutton chop..
Salpicon :: Salpicon (n.) Chopped meat, bread, etc., used to stuff legs of veal or other joints; stuffing; farce..
Hopped :: Hopped (p. a.) Impregnated with hops.
Hash :: Hash (n.) That which is hashed or chopped up; meat and vegetables, especially such as have been already cooked, chopped into small pieces and mixed..
Hay-cutter :: Hay-cutter (n.) A machine in which hay is chopped short, as fodder for cattle..
Rullichies :: Rullichies (n. pl.) Chopped meat stuffed into small bags of tripe. They are cut in slices and fried.
Chum :: Chum (n.) Chopped pieces of fish used as bait.
Scrabbed Eggs :: Scrabbed eggs () A Lenten dish, composed of eggs boiled hard, chopped, and seasoned with butter, salt, and pepper..
Shopped :: Shopped (imp. & p. p.) of Sho.
Olla-podrida :: Olla-podrida (n.) A favorite Spanish dish, consisting of a mixture of several kinds of meat chopped fine, and stewed with vegetables..
Salmagundi :: Salmagundi (n.) A mixture of chopped meat and pickled herring, with oil, vinegar, pepper, and onions..
Hopped :: Hopped (imp. & p. p.) of Ho.
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