Definition of honeydew

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Honeydew (n.) A sweet, saccharine substance, found on the leaves of trees and other plants in small drops, like dew. Two substances have been called by this name; one exuded from the plants, and the other secreted by certain insects, esp. aphids..

Lern More About Honeydew

Melligo :: Melligo (n.) Honeydew.
Ant-cattle :: Ant-cattle (n.) Various kinds of plant lice or aphids tended by ants for the sake of the honeydew which they secrete. See Aphips.
Honeydew :: Honeydew (n.) A sweet, saccharine substance, found on the leaves of trees and other plants in small drops, like dew. Two substances have been called by this name; one exuded from the plants, and the other secreted by certain insects, esp. aphids..
Siphonet :: Siphonet (n.) One of the two dorsal tubular organs on the hinder part of the abdomen of aphids. They give exit to the honeydew. See Illust. under Aphis.
Honeydew :: Honeydew (n.) A kind of tobacco moistened with molasses.
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