Definition of hold

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Hold (n. i.) To derive right or title; -- generally with of.

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Purchase :: Purchase (v. t.) Any mechanical hold, or advantage, applied to the raising or removing of heavy bodies, as by a lever, a tackle, capstan, and the like; also, the apparatus, tackle, or device by which the advantage is gained..
Headborrow :: Headborrow (n.) The chief of a frankpledge, tithing, or decennary, consisting of ten families; -- called also borsholder, boroughhead, boroughholder, and sometimes tithingman. See Borsholder..
Discourse :: Discourse (v. i.) To express one's self in oral discourse; to expose one's views; to talk in a continuous or formal manner; to hold forth; to speak; to converse.
Stevedore :: Steve (v. t.) To pack or stow, as cargo in a ship's hold. See Steeve..
Monogamist :: Monogamist (n.) One who practices or upholds monogamy.
Incumbency :: Incumbency (n.) The state of holding a benefice; the full possession and exercise of any office.
Adjudge :: Adjudge (v. t.) To regard or hold; to judge; to deem.
Nog :: Nog (n.) A wooden block, of the size of a brick, built into a wall, as a hold for the nails of woodwork..
Retention :: Retention (n.) The right of withholding a debt, or of retaining property until a debt due to the person claiming the right be duly paid; a lien..
Detention :: Detention (n.) The act of detaining or keeping back; a withholding.
Wiper :: Wiper (n.) A rod, or an attachment for a rod, for holding a rag with which to wipe out the bore of the barrel..
Capacity :: Capacity (n.) The power of receiving and holding ideas, knowledge, etc.; the comprehensiveness of the mind; the receptive faculty; capability of undestanding or feeling..
Prehension :: Prehension (n.) The act of taking hold, seizing, or grasping, as with the hand or other member..
Suspect :: Suspect (v. t.) To hold to be uncertain; to doubt; to mistrust; to distruct; as, to suspect the truth of a story..
Catch :: Catch (v. t.) To lay hold on; to seize, especially with the hand; to grasp (anything) in motion, with the effect of holding; as, to catch a ball..
Inclasp :: Inclasp (v. t.) To clasp within; to hold fast to; to embrace or encircle.
Incapable :: Incapable (a.) Wanting in ability or qualification for the purpose or end in view; not large enough to contain or hold; deficient in physical strength, mental or moral power, etc.; not capable; as, incapable of holding a certain quantity of liquid; incapable of endurance, of comprehension, of perseverance, of reform, etc..
Neologist :: Neologist (n.) An innovator in any doctrine or system of belief, especially in theology; one who introduces or holds doctrines subversive of supernatural or revealed religion; a rationalist, so-called..
Impart :: Impart (v. i.) To hold a conference or consultation.
Brace :: Brace (n.) That which holds anything tightly or supports it firmly; a bandage or a prop.
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