Definition of adjudge

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Adjudge (v. t.) To regard or hold; to judge; to deem.

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Adjudged :: Adjudged (imp. & p. p.) of Adjudg.
Adjudge :: Adjudge (v. t.) To determine in the exercise of judicial power; to decide or award judicially; to adjudicate; as, the case was adjudged in the November term..
Nonsuit :: Nonsuit (v. t.) To determine, adjudge, or record (a plaintiff) as having dropped his suit, upon his withdrawal or failure to follow it up..
Impute :: Impute (v. t.) To adjudge as one's own (the sin or righteousness) of another; as, the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us..
Premium :: Premium (n.) A reward or recompense; a prize to be won by being before another, or others, in a competition; reward or prize to be adjudged; a bounty; as, a premium for good behavior or scholarship, for discoveries, etc..
Addeem :: Addeem (v. t.) To award; to adjudge.
Adjudicate :: Adjudicate (v. t.) To adjudge; to try and determine, as a court; to settle by judicial decree..
Adjudger :: Adjudger (n.) One who adjudges.
Areed :: Areed (v. t.) To decree; to adjudge.
Redisseizin :: Redisseizin (n.) A disseizin by one who once before was adjudged to have dassezed the same person of the same lands, etc.; also, a writ which lay in such a case..
Reckon :: Reckon (v. t.) To charge, attribute, or adjudge to one, as having a certain quality or value..
Yearbook :: Yearbook (n.) A book containing annual reports of cases adjudged in the courts of England.
Damn :: Damn (v. t.) To condemn; to declare guilty; to doom; to adjudge to punishment; to sentence; to censure.
Addoom :: Addoom (v. t.) To adjudge.
Hussite :: Hussite (n.) A follower of John Huss, the Bohemian reformer, who was adjudged a heretic and burnt alive in 1415..
Seguestration :: Seguestration (n.) The act of separating, or setting aside, a thing in controversy from the possession of both the parties that contend for it, to be delivered to the one adjudged entitled to it. It may be voluntary or involuntary..
Behight :: Behight (v.) To adjudge; to assign by authority.
Award :: Award (v. t.) To give by sentence or judicial determination; to assign or apportion, after careful regard to the nature of the case; to adjudge; as, the arbitrators awarded damages to the complainant..
Give :: Give (n.) To attribute; to assign; to adjudge.
Voidable :: Voidable (a.) Capable of being avoided, or of being adjudged void, invalid, and of no force; capable of being either avoided or confirmed..
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