Definition of hewe

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Hewe (n.) A domestic servant; a retainer.

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Hewer :: Hewer (n.) One who hews.
Bhang :: Bhang (n.) An astringent and narcotic drug made from the dried leaves and seed capsules of wild hemp (Cannabis Indica), and chewed or smoked in the East as a means of intoxication. See Hasheesh..
Shewel :: Shewel (n.) A scarecrow.
Token :: Token (n.) A bit of leather having a peculiar mark designating a particular miner. Each hewer sends one of these with each corf or tub he has hewn.
Chewet :: Chewet (n.) A kind of meat pie.
Quid :: Quid (v. t.) To drop from the mouth, as food when partially chewed; -- said of horses..
Whewer :: Whewer (n.) The European widgeon.
Ruminate :: Ruminate (v. i.) To chew the cud; to chew again what has been slightly chewed and swallowed.
Quid :: Quid (n.) A portion suitable to be chewed; a cud; as, a quid of tobacco..
Eschewer :: Eschewer (n.) One who eschews.
Whewellite :: Whewellite (n.) Calcium oxalate, occurring in colorless or white monoclinic crystals..
Areca :: Areca (n.) A genus of palms, one species of which produces the areca nut, or betel nut, which is chewed in India with the leaf of the Piper Betle and lime..
Cud :: Cud (n.) That portion of food which is brought up into the mouth by ruminating animals from their first stomach, to be chewed a second time..
Manducable :: Manducable (a.) Such as can be chewed; fit to be eaten.
Betel :: Betel (n.) A species of pepper (Piper betle), the leaves of which are chewed, with the areca or betel nut and a little shell lime, by the inhabitants of the East Indies. It is a woody climber with ovate many-nerved leaves..
Roughhewer :: Roughhewer (n.) One who roughhews.
Nicking :: Nicking (v. t.) The cutting made by the hewer at the side of the face.
Cud :: Cud (n.) A portion of tobacco held in the mouth and chewed; a quid.
Chew :: Chew (n.) That which is chewed; that which is held in the mouth at once; a cud.
Hewed :: Hewed (p. p.) of He.
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