Definition of heterogenesis

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Heterogenesis (n.) Spontaneous generation, so called..

Lern More About Heterogenesis

Xenogenesis :: Xenogenesis (n.) Same as Heterogenesis.
Heterogenous :: Heterogenous (a.) Of or pertaining to heterogenesis; heterogenetic.
Homogenesis :: Homogenesis (n.) That method of reproduction in which the successive generations are alike, the offspring, either animal or plant, running through the same cycle of existence as the parent; gamogenesis; -- opposed to heterogenesis..
Heterogenesis :: Heterogenesis (n.) That method of reproduction in which the successive generations differ from each other, the parent organism producing offspring different in habit and structure from itself, the original form, however, reappearing after one or more generations; -- opposed to homogenesis, or gamogenesis..
Heterogenist :: Heterogenist (n.) One who believes in the theory of spontaneous generation, or heterogenesis..
Heterogenesis :: Heterogenesis (n.) Spontaneous generation, so called..
Heterogeny :: Heterogeny (n.) Heterogenesis.
Heterogenetic :: Heterogenetic (a.) Relating to heterogenesis; as, heterogenetic transformations..
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