Definition of antiputrescent

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of antiputrescent is as below...

Antiputrescent (a.) Counteracting, or preserving from, putrefaction; antiseptic..

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Suction :: Sucrose (n.) A common variety of sugar found in the juices of many plants, as the sugar cane, sorghum, sugar maple, beet root, etc. It is extracted as a sweet, white crystalline substance which is valuable as a food product, and, being antiputrescent, is largely used in the preservation of fruit. Called also saccharose, cane sugar, etc. By extension, any one of the class of isomeric substances (as lactose, maltose, etc.) of which sucrose proper is the type..
Antiputrescent :: Antiputrescent (a.) Counteracting, or preserving from, putrefaction; antiseptic..
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