Definition of handsel

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Handsel (n.) To use or do for the first time, esp. so as to make fortunate or unfortunate; to try experimentally..

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Handsel :: Handsel (n.) To use or do for the first time, esp. so as to make fortunate or unfortunate; to try experimentally..
Handseled :: Handseled () of Handse.
Handsel :: Handsel (n.) Price; payment.
Handseled :: Handseled (imp. & p. p.) of Handse.
Earnest :: Earnest (n.) Something given, or a part paid beforehand, as a pledge; pledge; handsel; a token of what is to come..
Hansel :: Hansel (n. & v.) See Handsel.
Handselling :: Handselling () of Handse.
Handsel :: Handsel (n.) To give a handsel to.
Handseling :: Handseling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Handse.
Handsel :: Handsel (n.) A sale, gift, or delivery into the hand of another; especially, a sale, gift, delivery, or using which is the first of a series, and regarded as on omen for the rest; a first installment; an earnest; as the first money received for the sale of goods in the morning, the first money taken at a shop newly opened, the first present sent to a young woman on her wedding day, etc..
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