Definition of hammock

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Hammock (n.) A swinging couch or bed, usually made of netting or canvas about six feet wide, suspended by clews or cords at the ends..

Lern More About Hammock

Clue :: Clue (n.) A combination of lines or nettles by which a hammock is suspended.
Waistcloth :: Waistcloth (n.) A covering of canvas or tarpaulin for the hammocks, stowed on the nettings, between the quarterdeck and the forecastle..
Hammock :: Hammock (n.) A swinging couch or bed, usually made of netting or canvas about six feet wide, suspended by clews or cords at the ends..
Hummock :: Hummock (n.) Timbered land. See Hammock.
Tarpaulin :: Tarpaulin (n.) A piece of canvas covered with tar or a waterproof composition, used for covering the hatches of a ship, hammocks, boats, etc..
Hammock :: Hammock (n.) A piece of land thickly wooded, and usually covered with bushes and vines. Used also adjectively; as, hammock land..
Nettles :: Nettles (n. pl.) Small lines used to sling hammocks under the deck beams.
Top-cloth :: Top-cloth (n.) A piece of canvas used to cover the hammocks which are lashed to the top in action to protect the topmen.
Netting :: Netting (n.) A network of ropes used for various purposes, as for holding the hammocks when not in use, also for stowing sails, and for hoisting from the gunwale to the rigging to hinder an enemy from boarding..
Gauntlet :: Gauntlet (n.) A rope on which hammocks or clothes are hung for drying.
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