Definition of hammer

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Hammer (n.) The malleus.

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Fuller :: Fuller (a.) A die; a half-round set hammer, used for forming grooves and spreading iron; -- called also a creaser..
Forging :: Forging (n.) A piece of forged work in metal; -- a general name for a piece of hammered iron or steel.
Anvil :: Anvil (v. t.) To form or shape on an anvil; to hammer out; as, anviled armor..
Forging :: Forging (n.) The act of shaping metal by hammering or pressing.
Hammer :: Hammer (v. t.) To beat with a hammer; to beat with heavy blows; as, to hammer iron..
Bucker :: Bucker (n.) A broad-headed hammer used in bucking ore.
Harmonica :: Harmonica (n.) A toy instrument of strips of glass or metal hung on two tapes, and struck with hammers..
Snail :: Snail (n.) A spiral cam, or a flat piece of metal of spirally curved outline, used for giving motion to, or changing the position of, another part, as the hammer tail of a striking clock..
Oliver :: Oliver (n.) A small tilt hammer, worked by the foot..
Hammerhead :: Hammerhead (n.) A shark of the genus Sphyrna or Zygaena, having the eyes set on projections from the sides of the head, which gives it a hammer shape. The Sphyrna zygaena is found in the North Atlantic. Called also hammer fish, and balance fish..
Woolstock :: Woolstock (n.) A heavy wooden hammer for milling cloth.
Disintegrate :: Disintegrate (v. t.) To separate into integrant parts; to reduce to fragments or to powder; to break up, or cause to fall to pieces, as a rock, by blows of a hammer, frost, rain, and other mechanical or atmospheric influences..
Flicker :: Flicker (n.) The golden-winged woodpecker (Colaptes aurutus); -- so called from its spring note. Called also yellow-hammer, high-holder, pigeon woodpecker, and yucca..
Flatter :: Flatter (n.) A flat-faced fulling hammer.
Malleus :: Malleus (n.) A genus of bivalve shells; the hammer shell.
Refractory :: Refractory (a.) Resisting ordinary treatment; difficult of fusion, reduction, or the like; -- said especially of metals and the like, which do not readily yield to heat, or to the hammer; as, a refractory ore..
Upset :: Upset (v. t.) To thicken and shorten, as a heated piece of iron, by hammering on the end..
Trip Hammer :: Trip hammer () A tilt hammer.
Batter :: Batter (v. t.) To flatten (metal) by hammering, so as to compress it inwardly and spread it outwardly..
King :: King (n.) A Chinese musical instrument, consisting of resonant stones or metal plates, arranged according to their tones in a frame of wood, and struck with a hammer..
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