Definition of forge

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Forge (n.) To form by heating and hammering; to beat into any particular shape, as a metal..

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Pseudography :: Pseudography (n.) False writing; forgery.
Bloom :: Bloom (n.) A mass of wrought iron from the Catalan forge or from the puddling furnace, deprived of its dross, and shaped usually in the form of an oblong block by shingling..
Forge :: Forge (n.) The act of beating or working iron or steel; the manufacture of metalic bodies.
Forgat :: Forgat () of Forge.
Forgetfulness :: Forgetfulness (n.) Failure to bear in mind; careless omission; inattention; as, forgetfulness of duty..
Lotus :: Lotus (n.) The lotus of the lotuseaters, probably a tree found in Northern Africa, Sicily, Portugal, and Spain (Zizyphus Lotus), the fruit of which is mildly sweet. It was fabled by the ancients to make strangers who ate of it forget their native country, or lose all desire to return to it..
Fabricate :: Fabricate (v. t.) To invent and form; to forge; to devise falsely; as, to fabricate a lie or story..
Bourbon :: Bourbon (n.) A politician who is behind the age; a ruler or politician who neither forgets nor learns anything; an obstinate conservative.
Helve :: Helve (n.) The lever at the end of which is the hammer head, in a forge hammer..
Forgotten :: Forgotten (p. p.) of Forge.
Lethe :: Lethe (n.) A river of Hades whose waters when drunk caused forgetfulness of the past.
Invention :: Invention (n.) A fabrication to deceive; a fiction; a forgery; a falsehood.
Forgettingly :: Forgettingly (adv.) By forgetting.
Forger :: Forger (n. & v. t.) One who forges, makes, of forms; a fabricator; a falsifier..
Fashion :: Fashion (v. t.) To forge or counterfeit.
Forgery :: Forgery (n.) The act of forging metal into shape.
Tilting :: Tilting (n.) The process by which blister steel is rendered ductile by being forged with a tilt hammer.
Heat :: Heat (n.) A single complete operation of heating, as at a forge or in a furnace; as, to make a horseshoe in a certain number of heats..
Irretention :: Irretention (n.) Want of retaining power; forgetfulness.
Counterfeit :: Counterfeit (v. t.) To imitate with a view to deceiving, by passing the copy for that which is original or genuine; to forge; as, to counterfeit the signature of another, coins, notes, etc..
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