Definition of hackney

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Hackney (n.) A horse or pony kept for hire.

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Untraded :: Untraded (a.) Not traded in or bartered; hence, not hackneyed; unusual; not common..
Hackneying :: Hackneying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Hackne.
Hackney :: Hackney (n.) A horse or pony kept for hire.
Fiacre :: Fiacre (n.) A kind of French hackney coach.
Hack :: Hack (n.) A coach or carriage let for hire; particularly, a a coach with two seats inside facing each other; a hackney coach..
Hackney :: Hackney (a.) Let out for hire; devoted to common use; hence, much used; trite; mean; as, hackney coaches; hackney authors..
Jarvy :: Jarvy (n.) The driver of a hackney coach.
Hackney :: Hackney (v. t.) To carry in a hackney coach.
Rouncy :: Rouncy (n.) A common hackney horse; a nag.
Banal :: Banal (a.) Commonplace; trivial; hackneyed; trite.
Hackney :: Hackney (n.) A horse for riding or driving; a nag; a pony.
Hackneyed :: Hackneyed (imp. & p. p.) of Hackne.
Hackneys :: Hackneys (pl. ) of Hackne.
Hackneymen :: Hackneymen (pl. ) of Hackneyma.
Hackney :: Hackney (v. t.) To devote to common or frequent use, as a horse or carriage; to wear out in common service; to make trite or commonplace; as, a hackneyed metaphor or quotation..
Banality :: Banality (n.) Something commonplace, hackneyed, or trivial; the commonplace, in speech..
Hackney :: Hackney (n.) A carriage kept for hire; a hack; a hackney coach.
Hackneyman :: Hackneyman (n.) A man who lets horses and carriages for hire.
Trite :: Trite (a.) Worn out; common; used until so common as to have lost novelty and interest; hackneyed; stale; as, a trite remark; a trite subject..
Jarvy :: Jarvy (n.) A hackney coach.
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