Definition of guilty

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Guilty (superl.) Evincing or indicating guilt; involving guilt; as, a guilty look; a guilty act; a guilty feeling..

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Guiltylike :: Guiltylike (adv.) Guiltily.
Mortuary :: Mortuary (a.) A sort of ecclesiastical heriot, a customary gift claimed by, and due to, the minister of a parish on the death of a parishioner. It seems to have been originally a voluntary bequest or donation, intended to make amends for any failure in the payment of tithes of which the deceased had been guilty..
Bigamist :: Bigamist (n.) One who is guilty of bigamy.
Perjured :: Perjured (a.) Guilty of perjury; having sworn falsely; forsworn.
Connivance :: Connivance (n.) Corrupt or guilty assent to wrongdoing, not involving actual participation in, but knowledge of, and failure to prevent or oppose it..
Culpable :: Culpable (a.) Guilty; as, culpable of a crime..
Convict :: Convict (n.) A person proved guilty of a crime alleged against him; one legally convicted or sentenced to punishment for some crime.
Perjure :: Perjure (v. t.) To cause to violate an oath or a vow; to cause to make oath knowingly to what is untrue; to make guilty of perjury; to forswear; to corrupt; -- often used reflexively; as, he perjured himself..
Convince :: Convince (v. t.) To prove guilty; to convict.
Flagitious :: Flagitious (a.) Guilty of enormous crimes; corrupt; profligate; -- said of persons.
Conviction :: Conviction (n.) The act of convicting; the act of proving, finding, or adjudging, guilty of an offense..
Attaint :: Attaint (v. t.) To find guilty; to convict; -- said esp. of a jury on trial for giving a false verdict.
Guiltily :: Guiltily (adv.) In a guilty manner.
Condemned :: Condemned (a.) Pronounced to be wrong, guilty, worthless, or forfeited; adjudged or sentenced to punishment, destruction, or confiscation..
Perfidious :: Perfidious (a.) Guilty of perfidy; violating good faith or vows; false to trust or confidence reposed; teacherous; faithless; as, a perfidious friend..
Murderer :: Murderer (n.) One guilty of murder; a person who, in possession of his reason, unlawfully kills a human being with premeditated malice..
Pederast :: Pederast (n.) One guilty of pederasty; a sodomite.
Gulty :: Gulty (a.) Guilty.
Condemnation :: Condemnation (n.) The act of judicially condemning, or adjudging guilty, unfit for use, or forfeited; the act of dooming to punishment or forfeiture..
Forger :: Forger (n. & v. t.) Especially: One guilty of forgery; one who makes or issues a counterfeit document.
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