Definition of griffin

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Griffin (n.) Alt. of Griffo.

Lern More About Griffin

Griffin :: Griffin (n.) An Anglo-Indian name for a person just arrived from Europe.
Griffin :: Griffin (n.) Alt. of Griffo.
Hippogriff :: Hippogriff (n.) A fabulous winged animal, half horse and half griffin..
Grype :: Grype (n.) A vulture; the griffin.
Grip :: Grip (n.) The griffin.
Griffon :: Griffon (n.) A species of large vulture (Gyps fulvus) found in the mountainous parts of Southern Europe, North Africa, and Asia Minor; -- called also gripe, and grype. It is supposed to be the eagle of the Bible. The bearded griffin is the lammergeir..
Gripe :: Gripe (n.) A vulture; the griffin.
Gryphon :: Gryphon (n.) The griffin vulture.
Gryfon :: Gryfon (n.) See Griffin.
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