Definition of gray

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Gray (n.) A gray color; any mixture of white and black; also, a neutral or whitish tint..

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Russet :: Russet (a.) Of a reddish brown color, or (by some called) a red gray; of the color composed of blue, red, and yellow in equal strength, but unequal proportions, namely, two parts of red to one each of blue and yellow; also, of a yellowish brown color..
Progne :: Progne (n.) An American butterfly (Polygonia, / Vanessa, Progne). It is orange and black above, grayish beneath, with an L-shaped silver mark on the hind wings. Called also gray comma..
Redhead :: Redhead (n.) An American duck (Aythya Americana) highly esteemed as a game bird. It is closely allied to the canvasback, but is smaller and its head brighter red. Called also red-headed duck. American poachard, grayback, and fall duck. See Illust. under Poachard..
Ceylanite :: Ceylanite (n.) A dingy blue, or grayish black, variety of spinel. It is also called pleonaste..
Iron :: Iron (n.) The most common and most useful metallic element, being of almost universal occurrence, usually in the form of an oxide (as hematite, magnetite, etc.), or a hydrous oxide (as limonite, turgite, etc.). It is reduced on an enormous scale in three principal forms; viz., cast iron, steel, and wrought iron. Iron usually appears dark brown, from oxidation or impurity, but when pure, or on a fresh surface, is a gray or white metal. It is easily oxidized (rusted) by moisture, and is attacked b
Gray :: Gray (superl.) Gray-haired; gray-headed; of a gray color; hoary.
White :: White (superl.) Gray, as from age; having silvery hair; hoary..
Fulvous :: Fulvous (a.) Tawny; dull yellow, with a mixture of gray and brown..
Ringneck :: Ringneck (n.) Any one of several species of small plovers of the genus Aegialitis, having a ring around the neck. The ring is black in summer, but becomes brown or gray in winter. The semipalmated plover (Ae. semipalmata) and the piping plover (Ae. meloda) are common North American species. Called also ring plover, and ring-necked plover..
Grey :: Grey (a.) See Gray (the correct orthography).
Flint :: Flint (n.) A massive, somewhat impure variety of quartz, in color usually of a gray to brown or nearly black, breaking with a conchoidal fracture and sharp edge. It is very hard, and strikes fire with steel..
Stock :: Stock (n.) Red and gray bricks, used for the exterior of walls and the front of buildings..
Linnaeite :: Linnaeite (n.) A mineral of pale steel-gray color and metallic luster, occurring in isometric crystals, and also massive. It is a sulphide of cobalt containing some nickel or copper..
Pearlstone :: Pearlstone (n.) A glassy volcanic rock of a grayish color and pearly luster, often having a spherulitic concretionary structure due to the curved cracks produced by contraction in cooling. See Illust. under Perlitic..
Raccoon :: Raccoon (n.) A North American nocturnal carnivore (Procyon lotor) allied to the bears, but much smaller, and having a long, full tail, banded with black and gray. Its body is gray, varied with black and white. Called also coon, and mapach..
Grysbok :: Grysbok (n.) A small South African antelope (Neotragus melanotis). It is speckled with gray and chestnut, above; the under parts are reddish fawn..
Sodalite :: Sodalite (n.) A mineral of a white to blue or gray color, occuring commonly in dodecahedrons, also massive. It is a silicate of alumina and soda with some chlorine..
Alabaster :: Alabaster (n.) A compact variety or sulphate of lime, or gypsum, of fine texture, and usually white and translucent, but sometimes yellow, red, or gray. It is carved into vases, mantel ornaments, etc..
Livid :: Livid (a.) Black and blue; grayish blue; of a lead color; discolored, as flesh by contusion..
Usnea :: Usnea (n.) A genus of lichens, most of the species of which have long, gray, pendulous, and finely branched fronds. Usnea barbata is the common bearded lichen which grows on branches of trees in northern forests..
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