Definition of gray

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Gray (superl.) Old; mature; as, gray experience. Ames..

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Cinereous :: Cinereous (a.) Like ashes; ash-colored; grayish.
Woodchuck :: Woodchuck (n.) A common large North American marmot (Arctomys monax). It is usually reddish brown, more or less grizzled with gray. It makes extensive burrows, and is often injurious to growing crops. Called also ground hog..
Brinded :: Brinded (a.) Of a gray or tawny color with streaks of darker hue; streaked; brindled.
Rosemary :: Rosemary (n.) A labiate shrub (Rosmarinus officinalis) with narrow grayish leaves, growing native in the southern part of France, Spain, and Italy, also in Asia Minor and in China. It has a fragrant smell, and a warm, pungent, bitterish taste. It is used in cookery, perfumery, etc., and is an emblem of fidelity or constancy..
Morpho :: Morpho (n.) Any one of numerous species of large, handsome, tropical American butterflies, of the genus Morpho. They are noted for the very brilliant metallic luster and bright colors (often blue) of the upper surface of the wings. The lower surface is usually brown or gray, with eyelike spots..
Phenicious :: Phenicious (a.) Of a red color with a slight mixture of gray.
Coolung :: Coolung (n.) The great gray crane of India (Grus cinerea).
Basanite :: Basanite (n.) Lydian stone, or black jasper, a variety of siliceous or flinty slate, of a grayish or bluish black color. It is employed to test the purity of gold, the amount of alloy being indicated by the color left on the stone when rubbed by the metal..
Linnet :: Linnet (n.) Any one of several species of fringilline birds of the genera Linota, Acanthis, and allied genera, esp. the common European species (L. cannabina), which, in full summer plumage, is chestnut brown above, with the breast more or less crimson. The feathers of its head are grayish brown, tipped with crimson. Called also gray linnet, red linnet, rose linnet, brown linnet, lintie, lintwhite, gorse thatcher, linnet finch, and greater redpoll. The American redpoll linnet (Acanthis linaria)
Strond :: Stromeyerite (n.) A steel-gray mineral of metallic luster. It is a sulphide of silver and copper.
Smithsonite :: Smithsonite (n.) Native zinc carbonate. It generally occurs in stalactitic, reniform, or botryoidal shapes, of a white to gray, green, or brown color. See Note under Calamine..
Iron-gray :: Iron-gray (a.) Of a gray color, somewhat resembling that of iron freshly broken..
Unau :: Unau (n.) The two-toed sloth (Cholopus didactylus), native of South America. It is about two feet long. Its color is a uniform grayish brown, sometimes with a reddish tint..
Roan :: Roan (a.) Having a bay, chestnut, brown, or black color, with gray or white thickly interspersed; -- said of a horse..
Menaccanite :: Menaccanite (n.) An iron-black or steel-gray mineral, consisting chiefly of the oxides of iron and titanium. It is commonly massive, but occurs also in rhombohedral crystals. Called also titanic iron ore, and ilmenite..
Percesoces :: Percesoces (n. pl.) An order of fishes including the gray mullets (Mugil), the barracudas, the silversides, and other related fishes. So called from their relation both to perches and to pikes..
Hoar :: Hoar (a.) Gray or white with age; hoary.
Blae :: Blae (a.) Dark blue or bluish gray; lead-colored.
Gray :: Gray (superl.) Gray-haired; gray-headed; of a gray color; hoary.
Graybeard :: Graybeard (n.) An old man.
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