Definition of grange

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Grange (n.) An association of farmers, designed to further their interests, aud particularly to bring producers and consumers, farmers and manufacturers, into direct commercial relations, without intervention of middlemen or traders. The first grange was organized in 1867..

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Grangerite :: Grangerite (n.) One who collects illustrations from various books for the decoration of one book.
Grange :: Grange (n.) An association of farmers, designed to further their interests, aud particularly to bring producers and consumers, farmers and manufacturers, into direct commercial relations, without intervention of middlemen or traders. The first grange was organized in 1867..
Granger :: Granger (n.) A farm steward.
Granger :: Granger (n.) A member of a grange.
Grange :: Grange (n.) A farmhouse of a monastery, where the rents and tithes, paid in grain, were deposited..
Grangerize :: Grangerize (v. t. & i.) To collect (illustrations from books) for decoration of other books.
Grange :: Grange (n.) A farm; generally, a farm with a house at a distance from neighbors..
Grange :: Grange (n.) A building for storing grain; a granary.
Grange :: Grange (n.) A farmhouse, with the barns and other buildings for farming purposes..
Grangerism :: Grangerism (n.) The practice of illustrating a particular book by engravings collected from other books.
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