Definition of guist

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of guist is as below...

Guist (n.) Same as Joust.

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Philology :: Philology (n.) The study of language, especially in a philosophical manner and as a science; the investigation of the laws of human speech, the relation of different tongues to one another, and historical development of languages; linguistic science..
Linguistical :: Linguistical (a.) Of or pertaining to language; relating to linguistics, or to the affinities of languages..
Glottologist :: Glottologist (n.) A linguist; a philologist.
Fuguist :: Fuguist (n.) A musician who composes or performs fugues.
Linguistics :: Linguistics (n.) The science of languages, or of the origin, signification, and application of words; glossology..
Glossology :: Glossology (n.) The science of language; comparative philology; linguistics; glottology.
Shoshones :: Shoshones (n. pl.) A linguistic family or stock of North American Indians, comprising many tribes, which extends from Montana and Idaho into Mexico. In a restricted sense the name is applied especially to the Snakes, the most northern of the tribes..
Bilinguist :: Bilinguist (n.) One versed in two languages.
Linguist :: Linguist (n.) A person skilled in languages.
Guist :: Guist (n.) Same as Joust.
Huron-iroquous :: Huron-Iroquous (n.) A linguistic group of warlike North American Indians, belonging to the same stock as the Algonquins, and including several tribes, among which were the Five Nations. They formerly occupied the region about Lakes Erie and Ontario, and the larger part of New York..
Linguistically :: Linguistically (adv.) In a linguistic manner; from the point of view of a linguist.
Linguist :: Linguist (n.) A master of the use of language; a talker.
Linguistic :: Linguistic (a.) Alt. of Linguistica.
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