Definition of gaudy

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Gaudy (n.) A feast or festival; -- called also gaud-day and gaudy day.

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Gaudy :: Gaudy (superl.) Gay; merry; festal.
Tinsel :: Tinsel (a.) Showy to excess; gaudy; specious; superficial.
Fangled :: Fangled (a.) New made; hence, gaudy; showy; vainly decorated. [Obs., except with the prefix new.] See Newfangled..
Tinsel :: Tinsel (v. t.) To adorn with tinsel; to deck out with cheap but showy ornaments; to make gaudy.
Gaudy :: Gaudy (superl.) Ostentatiously fine; showy; gay, but tawdry or meretricious..
Tinselly :: Tinselly (a.) Like tinsel; gaudy; showy, but cheap..
Brummagem :: Brummagem (a.) Counterfeit; gaudy but worthless; sham.
Showy :: Showy (a.) Making a show; attracting attention; presenting a marked appearance; ostentatious; gay; gaudy.
Gaud-day :: Gaud-day (n.) See Gaudy, a feast..
Gaudygreen :: Gaudygreen (a. / n.) Light green.
Flare :: Flare (v. i.) To shine out with gaudy colors; to flaunt; to be offensively bright or showy.
Tawdry :: Tawdry (superl.) Very fine and showy in colors, without taste or elegance; having an excess of showy ornaments without grace; cheap and gaudy; as, a tawdry dress; tawdry feathers; tawdry colors..
Flashy :: Flashy (a.) Showy; gay; gaudy; as, a flashy dress..
Gaudiness :: Gaudiness (n.) The quality of being gaudy.
Gaudy :: Gaudy (n.) A feast or festival; -- called also gaud-day and gaudy day.
Tinsel :: Tinsel (n.) Something shining and gaudy; something superficially shining and showy, or having a false luster, and more gay than valuable..
Loud :: Loud (superl.) Ostentatious; likely to attract attention; gaudy; as, a loud style of dress; loud colors..
Gaudish :: Gaudish (a.) Gaudy.
Gaudily :: Gaudily (adv.) In a gaudy manner.
Chasteness :: Chasteness (n.) Freedom from all that is meretricious, gaudy, or affected; as, chasteness of design..
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