Definition of garnet

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Garnet (n.) A mineral having many varieties differing in color and in their constituents, but with the same crystallization (isometric), and conforming to the same general chemical formula. The commonest color is red, the luster is vitreous, and the hardness greater than that of quartz. The dodecahedron and trapezohedron are the common forms..

Lern More About Garnet

Succinous :: Succinite (n.) A garnet of an amber color.
Pyrope :: Pyrope (n.) A variety of garnet, of a poppy or blood-red color, frequently with a tinge of orange. It is used as a gem. See the Note under Garnet..
Essonite :: Essonite (n.) Cinnamon stone, a variety of garnet. See Garnet..
Allochroite :: Allochroite (n.) See Garnet.
Grossular :: Grossular (a.) Pertaining too, or resembling, a gooseberry; as, grossular garnet..
Murexide :: Murexide (n.) A crystalline nitrogenous substance having a splendid dichroism, being green by reflected light and garnet-red by transmitted light. It was formerly used in dyeing calico, and was obtained in a large quantities from guano. Formerly called also ammonium purpurate..
Ouvarovite :: Ouvarovite (n.) Chrome garnet.
Eclogite :: Eclogite (n.) A rock consisting of granular red garnet, light green smaragdite, and common hornblende; -- so called in reference to its beauty..
Garnetiferous :: Garnetiferous (a.) Containing garnets.
Garnet :: Garnet (n.) A mineral having many varieties differing in color and in their constituents, but with the same crystallization (isometric), and conforming to the same general chemical formula. The commonest color is red, the luster is vitreous, and the hardness greater than that of quartz. The dodecahedron and trapezohedron are the common forms..
Clew :: Clew (n.) To move of draw (a sail or yard) by means of the clew garnets, clew lines, etc.; esp. to draw up the clews of a square sail to the yard..
Spessartite :: Spessartite (n.) A manganesian variety of garnet.
Grossular :: Grossular (a.) A translucent garnet of a pale green color like that of the gooseberry; -- called also grossularite.
Demantoid :: Demantoid (n.) A yellow-green, transparent variety of garnet found in the Urals. It is valued as a gem because of its brilliancy of luster, whence the name..
Colophonite :: Colophonite (n.) A coarsely granular variety of garnet.
Almandine :: Almandine (n.) The common red variety of garnet.
Garnet :: Garnet (n.) A tackle for hoisting cargo in our out.
Topazolite :: Topazolite (n.) A topaz-yellow variety of garnet.
Granate :: Granate (n.) See Garnet.
Carbuncle :: Carbuncle (n.) A beautiful gem of a deep red color (with a mixture of scarlet) called by the Greeks anthrax; found in the East Indies. When held up to the sun, it loses its deep tinge, and becomes of the color of burning coal. The name belongs for the most part to ruby sapphire, though it has been also given to red spinel and garnet..
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