Definition of ganglionic

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Ganglionic (a.) Pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, ganglia or ganglion cells; as, a ganglionic artery; the ganglionic columns of the spinal cord..

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Coenesthesis :: Coenesthesis (n.) Common sensation or general sensibility, as distinguished from the special sensations which are located in, or ascribed to, separate organs, as the eye and ear. It is supposed to depend on the ganglionic system..
Periganglionic :: Periganglionic (a.) Surrounding a ganglion; as, the periganglionic glands of the frog..
Interganglionic :: Interganglionic (a.) Between and uniting the nervous ganglions; as, interganglionic cords..
Multipolar :: Multipolar (a.) Having many poles; -- applied especially to those ganglionic nerve cells which have several radiating processes.
Aganglionic :: Aganglionic (a.) Without ganglia.
Unipolar :: Unipolar (a.) Having but one pole or process; -- applied to those ganglionic nerve cells which have but one radiating process; -- opposed to multipolar.
Ganglionary :: Ganglionary (a.) Ganglionic.
Ganglionic :: Ganglionic (a.) Pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, ganglia or ganglion cells; as, a ganglionic artery; the ganglionic columns of the spinal cord..
Ganglial :: Ganglial (a.) Relating to a ganglion; ganglionic.
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