Definition of announce

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Announce (v. t.) To pronounce; to declare by judicial sentence.

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Introduce :: Introduce (v. t.) To lead to and make known by formal announcement or recommendation; hence, to cause to be acquainted; as, to introduce strangers; to introduce one person to another..
Croak :: Croak (v. t.) To utter in a low, hoarse voice; to announce by croaking; to forebode; as, to croak disaster..
Toll :: Toll (v. i.) To sound or ring, as a bell, with strokes uniformly repeated at intervals, as at funerals, or in calling assemblies, or to announce the death of a person..
Advertise :: Advertise (v. t.) To give public notice of; to announce publicly, esp. by a printed notice; as, to advertise goods for sale, a lost article, the sailing day of a vessel, a political meeting..
Annunciation :: Annunciation (n.) The act of announcing; announcement; proclamation; as, the annunciation of peace..
Notice :: Notice (n.) An announcement, often accompanied by comments or remarks; as, book notices; theatrical notices..
Newspaper :: Newspaper (n.) A sheet of paper printed and distributed, at stated intervals, for conveying intelligence of passing events, advocating opinions, etc.; a public print that circulates news, advertisements, proceedings of legislative bodies, public announcements, etc..
Announce :: Announce (v. t.) To pronounce; to declare by judicial sentence.
Proclaim :: Proclaim (v. t.) To make known by public announcement; to give wide publicity to; to publish abroad; to promulgate; to declare; as, to proclaim war or peace..
Say :: Say (v. t.) To announce as a decision or opinion; to state positively; to assert; hence, to form an opinion upon; to be sure about; to be determined in mind as to..
Denunciation :: Denunciation (n.) Proclamation; announcement; a publishing.
Signify :: Signify (n.) To show by a sign; to communicate by any conventional token, as words, gestures, signals, or the like; to announce; to make known; to declare; to express; as, a signified his desire to be present..
Preadvertise :: Preadvertise (v. t.) To advertise beforehand; to preannounce publicly.
Jesus :: "Jesus (n.) The Savior; the name of the Son of God as announced by the angel to his parents; the personal name of Our Lord, in distinction from Christ, his official appellation..
Declaration :: Declaration (n.) That which is declared or proclaimed; announcement; distinct statement; formal expression; avowal.
Prophet :: Prophet (n.) One inspired or instructed by God to speak in his name, or announce future events, as, Moses, Elijah, etc..
Demster :: Demster (n.) An officer whose duty it was to announce the doom or sentence pronounced by the court.
Give :: Give (n.) To communicate or announce, as advice, tidings, etc.; to pronounce; to render or utter, as an opinion, a judgment, a sentence, a shout, etc..
Voice :: Voice (v. t.) To give utterance or expression to; to utter; to publish; to announce; to divulge; as, to voice the sentiments of the nation..
Pronouncement :: Pronouncement (n.) The act of pronouncing; a declaration; a formal announcement.
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