Definition of freya

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of freya is as below...

Freya (n.) The daughter of Njord, and goddess of love and beauty; the Scandinavian Venus; -- in Teutonic myths confounded with Frigga, but in Scandinavian, distinct..

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Balder :: Balder (n.) The most beautiful and beloved of the gods; the god of peace; the son of Odin and Freya.
Frigga :: Frigga (n.) The wife of Odin and mother of the gods; the supreme goddess; the Juno of the Valhalla. Cf. Freya.
Freya :: Freya (n.) The daughter of Njord, and goddess of love and beauty; the Scandinavian Venus; -- in Teutonic myths confounded with Frigga, but in Scandinavian, distinct..
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