Definition of frantic

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Frantic (a.) Mad; raving; furious; violent; wild and disorderly; distracted.

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Maenad :: Maenad (n.) A frantic or frenzied woman.
Phrenetical :: Phrenetical (a.) Relating to phrenitis; suffering from frenzy; delirious; mad; frantic; frenetic.
Frantic :: Frantic (a.) Mad; raving; furious; violent; wild and disorderly; distracted.
Wood :: Wood (a.) Mad; insane; possessed; rabid; furious; frantic.
Orgy :: Orgy (n.) A frantic revel; drunken revelry. See Orgie.
Frenzied :: Frenzied (p. p. & a.) Affected with frenzy; frantic; maddened.
Eleutheromania :: Eleutheromania (n.) A mania or frantic zeal for freedom.
Frenetical :: Frenetical (a.) Frenetic; frantic; frenzied.
Corybantic :: Corybantic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the Corybantes or their rites; frantic; frenzied; as, a corybantic dance..
Enfeloned :: Enfeloned (a.) Rendered fierce or frantic.
Phrensy :: Phrensy (v. t.) To render frantic.
Frenetir :: Frenetir (a.) Distracted; mad; frantic; phrenetic.
Frenzy :: Frenzy (a.) Mad; frantic.
Frenzical :: Frenzical (a.) Frantic.
Lymphatic :: Lymphatic (a.) Madly enthusiastic; frantic.
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