Definition of fracted

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Fracted (a.) Having a part displaced, as if broken; -- said of an ordinary..

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Refraction :: Refraction (n.) The act of refracting, or the state of being refracted..
Diffracted :: Diffracted (imp. & p. p.) of Diffrac.
Refracted :: Refracted (a.) Bent backward angularly, as if half-broken; as, a refracted stem or leaf..
Infracted :: Infracted (imp. & p. p.) of Infrac.
Retrofracted :: Retrofracted (a.) Refracted; as, a retrofract stem..
Fracted :: Fracted (a.) Having a part displaced, as if broken; -- said of an ordinary..
Diaphonics :: Diaphonics (n.) The doctrine of refracted sound; diacoustics.
Refracted :: Refracted (a.) Turned from a direct course by refraction; as, refracted rays of light..
Refractable :: Refractable (a.) Capable of being refracted.
Irrefrangible :: Irrefrangible (a.) Not refrangible; that can not be refracted in passing from one medium to another.
Refrangible :: Refrangible (a.) Capable of being refracted, or turned out of a direct course, in passing from one medium to another, as rays of light..
Image :: Image (n.) The figure or picture of any object formed at the focus of a lens or mirror, by rays of light from the several points of the object symmetrically refracted or reflected to corresponding points in such focus; this may be received on a screen, a photographic plate, or the retina of the eye, and viewed directly by the eye, or with an eyeglass, as in the telescope and microscope; the likeness of an object formed by reflection; as, to see one's image in a mirror..
Blue :: Blue (n.) One of the seven colors into which the rays of light divide themselves, when refracted through a glass prism; the color of the clear sky, or a color resembling that, whether lighter or darker; a pigment having such color. Sometimes, poetically, the sky..
Diacoustic :: Diacoustic (a.) Pertaining to the science or doctrine of refracted sounds.
Diacaustic :: Diacaustic (n.) A curved formed by the consecutive intersections of rays of light refracted through a lens.
Refracted :: Refracted (imp. & p. p.) of Refrac.
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