Definition of founded

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Founded (imp. & p. p.) of Foun.

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Dualism :: Dualism (n.) State of being dual or twofold; a twofold division; any system which is founded on a double principle, or a twofold distinction.
Dumfounded :: Dumfounded (imp. & p. p.) of Dumfoun.
Classify :: Classify (v. t.) To distribute into classes; to arrange according to a system; to arrange in sets according to some method founded on common properties or characters.
Imprescriptible :: Imprescriptible (a.) Not capable of being lost or impaired by neglect, by disuse, or by the claims of another founded on prescription..
Zaffer :: Zaffer (n.) A pigment obtained, usually by roasting cobalt glance with sand or quartz, as a dark earthy powder. It consists of crude cobalt oxide, or of an impure cobalt arseniate. It is used in porcelain painting, and in enameling pottery, to produce a blue color, and is often confounded with smalt, from which, however, it is distinct, as it contains no potash. The name is often loosely applied to mixtures of zaffer proper with silica, or oxides of iron, manganese, etc..
Paulist :: Paulist (n.) A member of The Institute of the Missionary Priests of St. Paul the Apostle, founded in 1858 by the Rev. I. T. Hecker of New York. The majority of the members were formerly Protestants..
Soothfast :: Soothfast (a.) Firmly fixed in, or founded upon, the thruth; true; genuine; real; also, truthful; faithful..
Redemptionist :: Redemptionist (n.) A monk of an order founded in 1197; -- so called because the order was especially devoted to the redemption of Christians held in captivity by the Mohammedans. Called also Trinitarian.
Utilitarianism :: Utilitarianism (n.) The doctrine that virtue is founded in utility, or that virtue is defined and enforced by its tendency to promote the highest happiness of the universe..
Taranis :: Taranis (n.) A Celtic divinity, regarded as the evil principle, but confounded by the Romans with Jupiter..
Empirical :: Empirical (a.) Pertaining to, or founded upon, experiment or experience; depending upon the observation of phenomena; versed in experiments..
Sexagesimal :: Sexagesimal (a.) Pertaining to, or founded on, the number sixty..
Sinical :: Sinical (a.) Of or pertaining to a sine; employing, or founded upon, sines; as, a sinical quadrant..
Palladian :: Palladian (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a variety of the revived classic style of architecture, founded on the works of Andrea Palladio, an Italian architect of the 16th century..
Freya :: Freya (n.) The daughter of Njord, and goddess of love and beauty; the Scandinavian Venus; -- in Teutonic myths confounded with Frigga, but in Scandinavian, distinct..
Confounded :: Confounded (a.) Confused; perplexed.
Reformed :: Reformed (a.) Corrected; amended; restored to purity or excellence; said, specifically, of the whole body of Protestant churches originating in the Reformation. Also, in a more restricted sense, of those who separated from Luther on the doctrine of consubstantiation, etc., and carried the Reformation, as they claimed, to a higher point. The Protestant churches founded by them in Switzerland, France, Holland, and part of Germany, were called the Reformed churches..
Vincentian :: Vincentian (a.) Of or pertaining to Saint Vincent de Paul, or founded by him..
Unfounded :: Unfounded (a.) Having no foundation; baseless; vain; idle; as, unfounded expectations..
Founded :: Founded (imp. & p. p.) of Foun.
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