Definition of forgetfulness

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of forgetfulness is as below...

Forgetfulness (n.) Failure to bear in mind; careless omission; inattention; as, forgetfulness of duty..

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Irretention :: Irretention (n.) Want of retaining power; forgetfulness.
Unremembrance :: Unremembrance (n.) Want of remembrance; forgetfulness.
Forgetfulness :: Forgetfulness (n.) Loss of remembrance or recollection; a ceasing to remember; oblivion.
Amnesty :: Amnesty (v.) Forgetfulness; cessation of remembrance of wrong; oblivion.
Ingratitude :: Ingratitude (n.) Want of gratitude; insensibility to, forgetfulness of, or ill return for, kindness or favors received; unthankfulness; ungratefulness..
Forgetfulness :: Forgetfulness (n.) The quality of being forgetful; prononess to let slip from the mind.
Lethe :: Lethe (n.) A river of Hades whose waters when drunk caused forgetfulness of the past.
Forgetfulness :: Forgetfulness (n.) Failure to bear in mind; careless omission; inattention; as, forgetfulness of duty..
Oblivion :: Oblivion (n.) The act of forgetting, or the state of being forgotten; cessation of remembrance; forgetfulness..
Lethe :: Lethe (n.) Oblivion; a draught of oblivion; forgetfulness.
Oblivious :: Oblivious (a.) Promoting oblivion; causing forgetfulness.
Amnesia :: Amnesia (n.) Forgetfulness; also, a defect of speech, from cerebral disease, in which the patient substitutes wrong words or names in the place of those he wishes to employ..
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