Definition of forebode

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of forebode is as below...

Forebode (v. t.) To be prescient of (some ill or misfortune); to have an inward conviction of, as of a calamity which is about to happen; to augur despondingly..

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Croak :: Croak (v. t.) To utter in a low, hoarse voice; to announce by croaking; to forebode; as, to croak disaster..
Foreboded :: Foreboded (imp. & p. p.) of Forebod.
Presager :: Presager (n.) One who, or that which, presages; a foreteller; a foreboder..
Foreboder :: Foreboder (n.) One who forebodes.
Foredeem :: Foredeem (v. t.) To recognize or judge in advance; to forebode.
Forebode :: Forebode (v. t.) To be prescient of (some ill or misfortune); to have an inward conviction of, as of a calamity which is about to happen; to augur despondingly..
Forebode :: Forebode (v. t.) To foretell.
Croaker :: Croaker (n.) One who croaks, murmurs, grumbles, or complains unreasonably; one who habitually forebodes evil..
Forebode :: Forebode (n.) Prognostication; presage.
Forebode :: Forebode (v. i.) To fortell; to presage; to augur.
Croak :: Croak (v. i.) To complain; especially, to grumble; to forebode evil; to utter complaints or forebodings habitually..
Forebodement :: Forebodement (n.) The act of foreboding; the thing foreboded.
Mistrust :: Mistrust (v. t.) To forebode as near, or likely to occur; to surmise..
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