Definition of footing

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Footing (n.) Tread; step; especially, measured tread..

Lern More About Footing

Footing :: Footing (n.) The thickened or sloping portion of a wall, or of an embankment at its foot..
Footing :: Footing (n.) The finer refuse part of whale blubber, not wholly deprived of oil..
Footing :: Footing (n.) A narrow cotton lace, without figures..
Footing :: Footing (n.) Relative condition; state.
Foot :: Foot (n.) Recognized condition; rank; footing; -- used only in the singular.
Footing :: Footing (n.) The act of putting a foot to anything; also, that which is added as a foot; as, the footing of a stocking..
Foundation :: Foundation (n.) The lowest and supporting part or member of a wall, including the base course (see Base course (a), under Base, n.) and footing courses; in a frame house, the whole substructure of masonry..
Footing :: Footing (n.) The act of adding up a column of figures; the amount or sum total of such a column.
Demobilization :: Demobilization (n.) The disorganization or disarming of troops which have previously been mobilized or called into active service; the change from a war footing to a peace footing.
Level :: Level (a.) Even with anything else; of the same height; on the same line or plane; on the same footing; of equal importance; -- followed by with, sometimes by to..
Trip :: Trip (v. t.) To cause to stumble, or take a false step; to cause to lose the footing, by striking the feet from under; to cause to fall; to throw off the balance; to supplant; -- often followed by up; as, to trip up a man in wrestling..
Foothold :: Foothold (n.) A holding with the feet; firm standing; that on which one may tread or rest securely; footing.
Footing :: Footing (n.) Tread; step; especially, measured tread..
Trip :: Trip (n. i.) To take a quick step, as when in danger of losing one's balance; hence, to make a false; to catch the foot; to lose footing; to stumble..
Footing :: Footing (n.) Standing; position; established place; basis for operation; permanent settlement; foothold.
Slip :: Slip (n.) To slide; to lose one's footing or one's hold; not to tread firmly; as, it is necessary to walk carefully lest the foot should slip..
Trip :: Trip (n.) A false step; a stumble; a misstep; a loss of footing or balance. Fig.: An error; a failure; a mistake.
Trode :: Trode (n.) Tread; footing.
Gliddery :: Gliddery (a.) Giving no sure footing; smooth; slippery.
Trip :: Trip (n.) A stroke, or catch, by which a wrestler causes his antagonist to lose footing..
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