Definition of foot

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Foot (n.) Fundamental principle; basis; plan; -- used only in the singular.

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Sole :: Sole (n.) The bottom of the foot; hence, also, rarely, the foot itself..
Footing :: Footing (n.) The finer refuse part of whale blubber, not wholly deprived of oil..
Trot :: Trot (v. i.) The pace of a horse or other quadruped, more rapid than a walk, but of various degrees of swiftness, in which one fore foot and the hind foot of the opposite side are lifted at the same time..
Neat :: Neat (n. sing. & pl.) Cattle of the genus Bos, as distinguished from horses, sheep, and goats; an animal of the genus Bos; as, a neat's tongue; a neat's foot..
Antispast :: Antispast (n.) A foot of four syllables, the first and fourth short, and the second and third long (#)..
Footlicker :: Footlicker (n.) A sycophant; a fawner; a toady. Cf. Bootlick.
Bird''s-mouth :: Bird's-mouth (n.) An interior angle or notch cut across a piece of timber, for the reception of the edge of another, as that in a rafter to be laid on a plate; -- commonly called crow's-foot in the United States..
Podotheca :: Podotheca (n.) The scaly covering of the foot of a bird or reptile.
Off :: Off (a.) On the farther side; most distant; on the side of an animal or a team farthest from the driver when he is on foot; in the United States, the right side; as, the off horse or ox in a team, in distinction from the nigh or near horse or ox; the off leg..
Pigeonfoot :: Pigeonfoot (n.) The dove's-foot geranium (Geranium molle).
Arms :: Arms (n.) The legs of a hawk from the thigh to the foot.
Ranunculus :: Ranunculus (n.) A genus of herbs, mostly with yellow flowers, including crowfoot, buttercups, and the cultivated ranunculi (R. Asiaticus, R. aconitifolius, etc.) in which the flowers are double and of various colors..
Forefoot :: Forefoot (n.) A piece of timber which terminates the keel at the fore end, connecting it with the lower end of the stem..
Refer :: Refer (v. i.) To have relation or reference; to relate; to point; as, the figure refers to a footnote..
Stroll :: Stroll (v. i.) To wander on foot; to ramble idly or leisurely; to rove.
Punter :: Punter (n.) One who punts a football; also, one who propels a punt..
Light-foot :: Light-foot (a.) Alt. of Light-foote.
Plant :: Plant (n.) The sole of the foot.
Hough :: Hough (n.) A piece cut by butchers, esp. in pork, from either the front or hind leg, just above the foot..
Ball :: Ball (n.) A general name for games in which a ball is thrown, kicked, or knocked. See Baseball, and Football..
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