Anachronical :: Anachronical (a.) Characterized by, or involving, anachronism; anachronistic..
Anachronism :: Anachronism (n.) A misplacing or error in the order of time; an error in chronology by which events are misplaced in regard to each other, esp. one by which an event is placed too early; falsification of chronological relation..
Anachronistic :: Anachronistic (a.) Erroneous in date; containing an anachronism.
Anachronize :: Anachronize (v. t.) To refer to, or put into, a wrong time..
Anachronous :: Anachronous (a.) Containing an anachronism; anachronistic.
Antichronical :: Antichronical (a.) Deviating from the proper order of time.
Antichronism :: Antichronism (n.) Deviation from the true order of time; anachronism.
Autochronograph :: Autochronograph (n.) An instrument for the instantaneous self-recording or printing of time.
Brachystochrone :: Brachystochrone (n.) A curve, in which a body, starting from a given point, and descending solely by the force of gravity, will reach another given point in a shorter time than it could by any other path. This curve of quickest descent, as it is sometimes called, is, in a vacuum, the same as the cycloid..
Chronic :: Chronic (a.) Relating to time; according to time.
Chronic :: Chronic (a.) Continuing for a long time; lingering; habitual.
Chronogram :: Chronogram (n.) An inscription in which certain numeral letters, made to appear specially conspicuous, on being added together, express a particular date or epoch, as in the motto of a medal struck by Gustavus Adolphus in 1632: ChrIstVs DVX; ergo trIVMphVs.- the capitals of which give, when added as numerals, the sum 1632..
Chronogram :: Chronogram (n.) The record or inscription made by a chronograph.
Chronograph :: Chronograph (n.) An instrument for measuring or recording intervals of time, upon a revolving drum or strip of paper moved by clockwork. The action of the stylus or pen is controlled by electricity..