Definition of fetlock

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Fetlock (n.) The cushionlike projection, bearing a tuft of long hair, on the back side of the leg above the hoof of the horse and similar animals. Also, the joint of the limb at this point (between the great pastern bone and the metacarpus), or the tuft of hair..

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Canon Bone :: Canon bone () The shank bone, or great bone above the fetlock, in the fore and hind legs of the horse and allied animals, corresponding to the middle metacarpal or metatarsal bone of most mammals. See Horse..
Pastern :: Pastern (n.) The part of the foot of the horse, and allied animals, between the fetlock and the coffin joint. See Illust. of Horse..
Bullet :: Bullet (n.) The fetlock of a horse.
Fetlock :: Fetlock (n.) The cushionlike projection, bearing a tuft of long hair, on the back side of the leg above the hoof of the horse and similar animals. Also, the joint of the limb at this point (between the great pastern bone and the metacarpus), or the tuft of hair..
Windgall :: Windgall (n.) A soft tumor or synovial swelling on the fetlock joint of a horse; -- so called from having formerly been supposed to contain air.
White-foot :: White-foot (n.) A white mark on the foot of a horse, between the fetlock and the coffin..
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