Definition of feeling

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Feeling (n.) That quality of a work of art which embodies the mental emotion of the artist, and is calculated to affect similarly the spectator..

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Envious :: Envious (a.) Feeling or exhibiting envy; actuated or directed by, or proceeding from, envy; -- said of a person, disposition, feeling, act, etc.; jealously pained by the excellence or good fortune of another; maliciously grudging; -- followed by of, at, and against; as, an envious man, disposition, attack; envious tongues..
Fervency :: Fervency (n.) The state of being fervent or warm; ardor; warmth of feeling or devotion; eagerness.
Pietist :: Pietist (n.) One of a class of religious reformers in Germany in the 17th century who sought to revive declining piety in the Protestant churches; -- often applied as a term of reproach to those who make a display of religious feeling. Also used adjectively.
Eupathy :: Eupathy (n.) Right feeling.
Indifferent :: Indifferent (a.) Feeling no interest, anxiety, or care, respecting anything; unconcerned; inattentive; apathetic; heedless; as, to be indifferent to the welfare of one's family..
Fright :: Fright (n.) Anything strange, ugly or shocking, producing a feeling of alarm or aversion..
Feeling :: Feeling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Fee.
Spontaneity :: Spontaneity (n.) The quality or state of being spontaneous, or acting from native feeling, proneness, or temperament, without constraint or external force..
Sensitive :: Sensitive (a.) Having quick and acute sensibility, either to the action of external objects, or to impressions upon the mind and feelings; highly susceptible; easily and acutely affected..
Sensitive :: Sensitive (a.) Having sense of feeling; possessing or exhibiting the capacity of receiving impressions from external objects; as, a sensitive soul..
Move :: Move (v. t.) To arouse the feelings or passions of; especially, to excite to tenderness or compassion; to touch pathetically; to excite, as an emotion..
Intercourse :: Intercourse (n.) A commingling; intimate connection or dealings between persons or nations, as in common affairs and civilities, in correspondence or trade; communication; commerce; especially, interchange of thought and feeling; association; communion..
Penetrate :: Penetrate (v. t.) To affect profoundly through the senses or feelings; to touch with feeling; to make sensible; to move deeply; as, to penetrate one's heart with pity..
Dislike :: Dislike (n.) A feeling of positive and usually permanent aversion to something unpleasant, uncongenial, or offensive; disapprobation; repugnance; displeasure; disfavor; -- the opposite of liking or fondness..
Express :: Express (a.) To give a true impression of; to represent and make known; to manifest plainly; to show in general; to exhibit, as an opinion or feeling, by a look, gesture, and esp. by language; to declare; to utter; to tell..
Discord :: Discord (v. i.) Want of concord or agreement; absence of unity or harmony in sentiment or action; variance leading to contention and strife; disagreement; -- applied to persons or to things, and to thoughts, feelings, or purposes..
Feeling :: Feeling (a.) Possessing great sensibility; easily affected or moved; as, a feeling heart..
Gentilism :: Gentilism (n.) Tribal feeling; devotion to one's gens.
Conscience :: Conscience (n.) Tenderness of feeling; pity.
Sensible :: Sensible (a.) Hence: Liable to impression from without; easily affected; having nice perception or acute feeling; sensitive; also, readily moved or affected by natural agents; delicate; as, a sensible thermometer..
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