Definition of dislike

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Dislike (n.) A feeling of positive and usually permanent aversion to something unpleasant, uncongenial, or offensive; disapprobation; repugnance; displeasure; disfavor; -- the opposite of liking or fondness..

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Whew :: Whew (n. & interj.) A sound like a half-formed whistle, expressing astonishment, scorn, or dislike..
Root :: Root (v. t.) To plant and fix deeply in the earth, or as in the earth; to implant firmly; hence, to make deep or radical; to establish; -- used chiefly in the participle; as, rooted trees or forests; rooted dislike..
Dislike :: Dislike (n.) A feeling of positive and usually permanent aversion to something unpleasant, uncongenial, or offensive; disapprobation; repugnance; displeasure; disfavor; -- the opposite of liking or fondness..
Scunner :: Scunner (v. i.) To have a feeling of loathing or disgust; hence, to have dislike, prejudice, or reluctance..
Disfancy :: Disfancy (v. t.) To dislike.
Misaffect :: Misaffect (v. t.) To dislike.
Despise :: Despise (v. t.) To look down upon with disfavor or contempt; to contemn; to scorn; to disdain; to have a low opinion or contemptuous dislike of.
Dislikeful :: Dislikeful (a.) Full of dislike; disaffected; malign; disagreeable.
Shrug :: Shrug (v. i.) To raise or draw up the shoulders, as in expressing dislike, dread, doubt, or the like..
Colorless :: Colorless (a.) Free from any manifestation of partial or peculiar sentiment or feeling; not disclosing likes, dislikes, prejudice, etc.; as, colorless music; a colorless style; definitions should be colorless..
Aversation :: Aversation (n.) A turning from with dislike; aversion.
Displacency :: Displacency (n.) Want of complacency or gratification; envious displeasure; dislike.
Stalk :: Stalk (v. i.) To walk with high and proud steps; usually implying the affectation of dignity, and indicating dislike. The word is used, however, especially by the poets, to express dignity of step..
Aversion :: Aversion (n.) Opposition or repugnance of mind; fixed dislike; antipathy; disinclination; reluctance.
Disesteem :: Disesteem (n.) Want of esteem; low estimation, inclining to dislike; disfavor; disrepute..
Antipathy :: Antipathy (n.) Contrariety or opposition in feeling; settled aversion or dislike; repugnance; distaste.
Shrug :: Shrug (v. t.) To draw up or contract (the shoulders), especially by way of expressing dislike, dread, doubt, or the like..
Loathe :: Loathe (v. t.) To dislike greatly; to abhor; to hate.
Mislike :: Mislike (v.) To dislike; to disapprove of; to have aversion to; as, to mislike a man..
Annoy :: Annoy (n.) A feeling of discomfort or vexation caused by what one dislikes; also, whatever causes such a feeling; as, to work annoy..
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