Definition of colorless

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Colorless (a.) Free from any manifestation of partial or peculiar sentiment or feeling; not disclosing likes, dislikes, prejudice, etc.; as, colorless music; a colorless style; definitions should be colorless..

Lern More About Colorless

Pyrroline :: Pyrroline (n.) A nitrogenous base, C4H7N, obtained as a colorless liquid by the reduction of pyrrol..
Thiotolene :: Thiotolene (n.) A colorless oily liquid, C4H3S.CH3, analogous to, and resembling, toluene; -- called also methyl thiophene..
Hydrogen :: Hydrogen (n.) A gaseous element, colorless, tasteless, and odorless, the lightest known substance, being fourteen and a half times lighter than air (hence its use in filling balloons), and over eleven thousand times lighter than water. It is very abundant, being an ingredient of water and of many other substances, especially those of animal or vegetable origin. It may by produced in many ways, but is chiefly obtained by the action of acids (as sulphuric) on metals, as zinc, iron, etc. It is very
Delphinine :: Delphinine (n.) A poisonous alkaloid extracted from the stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria), as a colorless amorphous powder..
Santal :: Santal (n.) A colorless crystalline substance, isomeric with piperonal, but having weak acid properties. It is extracted from sandalwood..
Mesitylene :: Mesitylene (n.) A colorless, fragrant liquid, C6H3(CH3)3, of the benzene series of hydrocarbons, obtained by distilling acetone with sulphuric acid..
Chloroform :: Chloroform (n.) A colorless volatile liquid, CHCl3, having an ethereal odor and a sweetish taste, formed by treating alcohol with chlorine and an alkali. It is a powerful solvent of wax, resin, etc., and is extensively used to produce anaesthesia in surgical operations; also externally, to alleviate pain..
Pyrosulphuric :: Pyrosulphuric (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid called also disulphuric acid) obtained by distillation of certain sulphates, as a colorless, thick, oily liquid, H2S2O7 resembling sulphuric acid. It is used in the solution of indigo, in the manufacture of alizarin, and in dehydration..
Furfurol :: Furfurol (n.) A colorless oily liquid, C4H3O.CHO, of a pleasant odor, obtained by the distillation of bran, sugar, etc., and regarded as an aldehyde derivative of furfuran; -- called also furfural..
Orcin :: Orcin (n.) A colorless crystalline substance, C6H3.CH3.(OH)2, which is obtained from certain lichens (Roccella, Lecanora, etc.), also from extract of aloes, and artificially from certain derivatives of toluene. It changes readily into orcein..
Phthalin :: Phthalin (n.) A colorless crystalline substance obtained by reduction from phthalein, into which it is easily converted by oxidation; hence, any one of the series of which phthalin proper is the type..
Eugenol :: Eugenol (n.) A colorless, aromatic, liquid hydrocarbon, C10H12O2 resembling the phenols, and hence also called eugenic acid. It is found in the oils of pimento and cloves..
Ericinol :: Ericinol (n.) A colorless oil (quickly becoming brown), with a pleasant odor, obtained by the decomposition of ericolin..
Glycerine :: Glycerine (n.) An oily, viscous liquid, C3H5(OH)3, colorless and odorless, and with a hot, sweetish taste, existing in the natural fats and oils as the base, combined with various acids, as oleic, margaric, stearic, and palmitic. It is a triatomic alcohol, and hence is also called glycerol. See Note under Gelatin..
Valero- :: Valero- () A combining form (also used adjectively) indicating derivation from, or relation to, valerian or some of its products, as valeric acid; as in valerolactone, a colorless oily liquid produced as the anhydride of an hydroxy valeric acid..
Hydrazine :: Hydrazine (n.) Any one of a series of nitrogenous bases, resembling the amines and produced by the reduction of certain nitroso and diazo compounds; as, methyl hydrazine, phenyl hydrazine, etc. They are derivatives of hydrazine proper, H2N.NH2, which is a doubled amido group, recently (1887) isolated as a stable, colorless gas, with a peculiar, irritating odor. As a base it forms distinct salts. Called also diamide, amidogen, (or more properly diamidogen), etc..
Sulphonium :: Sulphonic (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, a sulphone; -- used specifically to designate any one of a series of acids (regarded as acid ethereal salts of sulphurous acid) obtained by the oxidation of the mercaptans, or by treating sulphuric acid with certain aromatic bases (as benzene); as, phenyl sulphonic acid, C6H5.SO2.OH, a stable colorless crystalline substance..
Pseudo-cumene :: Pseudo-cumene (n.) A hydrocarbon of the aromatic series, metameric with mesitylene and cumene, found in coal tar, and obtained as a colorless liquid..
Crotonylene :: Crotonylene (n.) A colorless, volatile, pungent liquid, C4H6, produced artificially, and regarded as an unsaturated hydrocarbon of the acetylene series, and analogous to crotonic acid..
Capnomor :: Capnomor (n.) A limpid, colorless oil with a peculiar odor, obtained from beech tar..
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