Definition of fecundity

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of fecundity is as below...

Fecundity (n.) The power of bringing forth in abundance; fertility; richness of invention; as, the fecundity of God's creative power..

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Fertility :: Fertility (n.) The state or quality of being fertile or fruitful; fruitfulness; productiveness; fecundity; richness; abundance of resources; fertile invention; quickness; readiness; as, the fertility of soil, or of imagination..
Sterilization :: Sterility (n.) Quality of being sterile; infecundity; also, the state of being free from germs or spores..
Isis :: Isis (n.) The principal goddess worshiped by the Egyptians. She was regarded as the mother of Horus, and the sister and wife of Osiris. The Egyptians adored her as the goddess of fecundity, and as the great benefactress of their country, who instructed their ancestors in the art of agriculture..
Fecundity :: Fecundity (n.) The quality or power of producing fruit; fruitfulness; especially (Biol.), the quality in female organisms of reproducing rapidly and in great numbers..
Infecundity :: Infecundity (n.) Want of fecundity or fruitfulness; barrenness; sterility; unproductiveness.
Sparrow :: Sparrow (n.) One of many species of small singing birds of the family Fringilligae, having conical bills, and feeding chiefly on seeds. Many sparrows are called also finches, and buntings. The common sparrow, or house sparrow, of Europe (Passer domesticus) is noted for its familiarity, its voracity, its attachment to its young, and its fecundity. See House sparrow, under House..
Hare :: Hare (n.) A rodent of the genus Lepus, having long hind legs, a short tail, and a divided upper lip. It is a timid animal, moves swiftly by leaps, and is remarkable for its fecundity..
Fecundity :: Fecundity (n.) The power of germinating; as in seeds.
Superfetate :: Superfecundity (n.) Superabundant fecundity or multiplication of the species.
Fecundity :: Fecundity (n.) The power of bringing forth in abundance; fertility; richness of invention; as, the fecundity of God's creative power..
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