Definition of fay

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Fay (v. i.) To lie close together; to fit; to fadge; -- often with in, into, with, or together..

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Dousing-chock :: Dousing-chock (n.) One of several pieces fayed across the apron and lapped in the knightheads, or inside planking above the upper deck..
Fairy :: Fairy (n.) The country of the fays; land of illusions.
Fay :: Fay (v. i.) To lie close together; to fit; to fadge; -- often with in, into, with, or together..
Faying :: Faying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Fa.
Fayalite :: Fayalite (n.) A black, greenish, or brownish mineral of the chrysolite group. It is a silicate of iron..
Spot :: Spot (n.) A sciaenoid food fish (Liostomus xanthurus) of the Atlantic coast of the United States. It has a black spot behind the shoulders and fifteen oblique dark bars on the sides. Called also goody, Lafayette, masooka, and old wife..
Fairy :: Fairy (n.) An imaginary supernatural being or spirit, supposed to assume a human form (usually diminutive), either male or female, and to meddle for good or evil in the affairs of mankind; a fay. See Elf, and Demon..
Fay :: Fay (n.) Faith; as, by my fay..
Parfay :: Parfay (interj.) By my faith; verily.
Fay :: Fay (v. t.) To fit; to join; to unite closely, as two pieces of wood, so as to make the surface fit together..
Fayed :: fayed (imp. & p. p.) of Fa.
Par :: Par (prep.) By; with; -- used frequently in Early English in phrases taken from the French, being sometimes written as a part of the word which it governs; as, par amour, or paramour; par cas, or parcase; par fay, or parfay..
Fayence :: Fayence (n.) See Fa/ence.
Faytour :: Faytour (n.) See Faitour.
Lafayette :: Lafayette (n.) A market fish, the goody, or spot (Liostomus xanthurus), of the southern coast of the United States..
Goody :: Goody (n.) An American fish; the lafayette or spot.
Lafayette :: Lafayette (n.) The dollar fish.
Fay :: Fay (n.) A fairy; an elf.
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