Definition of fascination

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Fascination (n.) The state or condition of being fascinated.

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Disenchant :: Disenchant (v. t.) To free from enchantment; to deliver from the power of charms or spells; to free from fascination or delusion.
Fascination :: Fascination (n.) The act of fascinating, bewhiching, or enchanting; enchantment; witchcraft; the exercise of a powerful or irresistible influence on the affections or passions; unseen, inexplicable influence..
Fascination :: Fascination (n.) That which fascinates; a charm; a spell.
Uncharm :: Uncharm (v. t.) To release from a charm, fascination, or secret power; to disenchant..
Fascination :: Fascination (n.) The state or condition of being fascinated.
Effascination :: Effascination (n.) A charming; state of being bewitched or deluded.
Bewitchery :: Bewitchery (n.) The power of bewitching or fascinating; bewitchment; charm; fascination.
Witchery :: Witchery (n.) Fascination; irresistible influence; enchantment.
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