Definition of analogue

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Analogue (n.) An organ which is equivalent in its functions to a different organ in another species or group, or even in the same group; as, the gill of a fish is the analogue of a lung in a quadruped, although the two are not of like structural relations..

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Ekaboron :: Ekaboron (n.) The name given by Mendelejeff in accordance with the periodic law, and by prediction, to a hypothetical element then unknown, but since discovered and named scandium; -- so called because it was a missing analogue of the boron group. See Scandium..
Ekasilicon :: Ekasilicon (n.) The name of a hypothetical element predicted and afterwards discovered and named germanium; -- so called because it was a missing analogue of the silicon group. See Germanium, and cf. Ekabor..
Analogue :: Analogue (n.) A species or genus in one country closely related to a species of the same genus, or a genus of the same group, in another: such species are often called representative species, and such genera, representative genera..
Analogue :: Analogue (n.) A word in one language corresponding with one in another; an analogous term; as, the Latin pater is the analogue of the English father..
Analogue :: Analogue (n.) A species in one genus or group having its characters parallel, one by one, with those of another group..
Analogue :: Analogue (n.) That which is analogous to, or corresponds with, some other thing..
Analogon :: Analogon (n.) Analogue.
Analogue :: Analogue (n.) An organ which is equivalent in its functions to a different organ in another species or group, or even in the same group; as, the gill of a fish is the analogue of a lung in a quadruped, although the two are not of like structural relations..
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