Definition of famish

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Famish (v. i.) To suffer extreme hunger or thirst, so as to be exhausted in strength, or to come near to perish..

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Hunger :: Hunger (v. t.) To make hungry; to famish.
Enfamish :: Enfamish (v. t.) To famish; to starve.
Clem :: Clem (v. t. & i.) To starve; to famish.
Famished :: Famished (imp. & p. p.) of Famis.
Famishment :: Famishment (n.) State of being famished.
Famish :: Famish (v. t.) To force or constrain by famine.
Famish :: Famish (v. i.) To suffer extreme hunger or thirst, so as to be exhausted in strength, or to come near to perish..
Famish :: Famish (v. t.) To kill, or to cause to suffer extremity, by deprivation or denial of anything necessary..
Famish :: Famish (a.) Smoky; hot; choleric.
Hunger-starve :: Hunger-starve (v. t.) To starve with hunger; to famish.
Affamish :: Affamish (v. t. & i.) To afflict with, or perish from, hunger..
Famish :: Famish (v. t.) To exhaust the strength or endurance of, by hunger; to distress with hanger..
Famish :: Famish (v. i.) To die of hunger; to starve.
Famish :: Famish (v. t.) To starve, kill, or destroy with hunger..
Affamishment :: Affamishment (n.) Starvation.
Famishing :: Famishing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Famis.
Famish :: Famish (v. i.) To suffer extremity from deprivation of anything essential or necessary.
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