Definition of faculties

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Faculties (pl. ) of Facult.

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Inward :: Inward (n.) The mental faculties; -- usually pl.
Phrenology :: Phrenology (n.) In popular usage, the physiological hypothesis of Gall, that the mental faculties, and traits of character, are shown on the surface of the head or skull; craniology..
Rickets :: Rickets (n. pl.) A disease which affects children, and which is characterized by a bulky head, crooked spine and limbs, depressed ribs, enlarged and spongy articular epiphyses, tumid abdomen, and short stature, together with clear and often premature mental faculties. The essential cause of the disease appears to be the nondeposition of earthy salts in the osteoid tissues. Children afflicted with this malady stand and walk unsteadily. Called also rachitis..
Demoniac :: Demoniac (n.) A human being possessed by a demon or evil spirit; one whose faculties are directly controlled by a demon.
Essay :: Essay (n.) To exert one's power or faculties upon; to make an effort to perform; to attempt; to endeavor; to make experiment or trial of; to try.
Sentient :: Sentient (a.) Having a faculty, or faculties, of sensation and perception. Specif. (Physiol.), especially sensitive; as, the sentient extremities of nerves, which terminate in the various organs or tissues..
Presentative :: Presentative (a.) Capable of being directly known by, or presented to, the mind; intuitive; directly apprehensible, as objects; capable of apprehending, as faculties..
Empower :: Empower (v. t.) To give moral or physical power, faculties, or abilities to..
Musicomania :: Musicomania (n.) A kind of monomania in which the passion for music becomes so strong as to derange the intellectual faculties.
Subtle :: Subtle (superl.) Characterized by refinement and niceness in drawing distinctions; nicely discriminating; -- said of persons; as, a subtle logician; refined; tenuous; sinuous; insinuating; hence, penetrative or pervasive; -- said of the mind; its faculties, or its operations; as, a subtle intellect; a subtle imagination; a subtle process of thought; also, difficult of apprehension; elusive..
Brightness :: Brightness (n.) Acuteness (of the faculties); sharpness 9wit.
Faculty :: Faculty (n.) Ability to act or perform, whether inborn or cultivated; capacity for any natural function; especially, an original mental power or capacity for any of the well-known classes of mental activity; psychical or soul capacity; capacity for any of the leading kinds of soul activity, as knowledge, feeling, volition; intellectual endowment or gift; power; as, faculties of the mind or the soul..
Head :: Head (n.) The seat of the intellect; the brain; the understanding; the mental faculties; as, a good head, that is, a good mind; it never entered his head, it did not occur to him; of his own head, of his own thought or will..
Contemplative :: Contemplative (a.) Having the power of contemplation; as, contemplative faculties..
Arouse :: Arouse (v. t.) To excite to action from a state of rest; to stir, or put in motion or exertion; to rouse; to excite; as, to arouse one from sleep; to arouse the dormant faculties..
Sane :: Sane (a.) Mentally sound; possessing a rational mind; having the mental faculties in such condition as to be able to anticipate and judge of the effect of one's actions in an ordinary maner; -- said of persons.
Unqualitied :: Unqualitied (a.) Deprived of the usual faculties.
Rouse :: Rouse (v.) To excite to lively thought or action from a state of idleness, languor, stupidity, or indifference; as, to rouse the faculties, passions, or emotions..
Representative :: Representative (a.) Giving, or existing as, a transcript of what was originally presentative knowledge; as, representative faculties; representative knowledge. See Presentative, 3 and Represent, 8..
Consternation :: Consternation (n.) Amazement or horror that confounds the faculties, and incapacitates for reflection; terror, combined with amazement; dismay..
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